Chapter 33

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*Mature Content in this chapter.* *Sorry for any typos, I tried to proof-read, but typed it on my phone.*

Chapter 33:
Emma felt so much emotion as he kissed her. She had told him that she loved him and he had told her the same back, she had been so afraid of telling him, afraid that he wouldn't feel the same towards her.
Now that it was out in the open she felt powerful almost and she also felt a stronger need than she had before. Her previous decision to give herself to him was the best one she had ever made and she knew she would never regret it.

He kissed her gently, but passionately, and as the kiss started to deepen his hands started to move and each little stroke set flames to her skin.

They started at her jawline and lightly skirted their way to her collarbone, which he traced with the tip of his finger. They continued to run over her skin and traveled down to where she gripped her shirt to keep it from falling. Lightly he gripped her hand and pulled on it, her hand moved away and the shirt fell to the ground.

Now the only things she wore were her undergarments and she could feel the cool night air lick at all of her exposed skin.

She was just as eager for him to be standing in front of her, as naked as she was, and when she moved her hands up toward him he grabbed them both and lightly pulled away from her.

She could just watch and nibble on her swollen, lower lip as her eyes followed his movements. His shirt came off first and the moonlight reflected off his muscled chest and abdomen as he continued to undress. After the shirt came off, his trousers and undershorts were next.

When he stood in front of her, naked, she could only stare in amazement. He was perfect in every way that she thought a man should look like and when he started coming over to her she bit her lip a little harder in anticipation.

"My lass, I just want to make sure that you're ready." He said and the thoughtfulness of it made her heart smile and she knew that he needed to hear her say it, make it something official that she wouldn't take back.

"Donovan, I want you, all of you, completely."

She expected him to move to her quickly, but instead he was still just as slow as before. He leaned down and started kissing the trail that his fingers had touched earlier. It sent chills down her body and when he reached behind her to unclip her bra she didn't feel ashamed or afraid when it dropped, just beautiful.

She let herself really feel everything he was doing to her and how her body responded to it all.

His hot breath danced over her skin as he kissed on her chest, suckled on her breasts. Her arms moved up and she grabbed his silky strands of hair in her little hands, never wanting him to move away from her. He continued to kiss her and suckle her and as he continued, it made her body feel warm and tingly.

He moved one hand to her panties and slowly slipped them off, the material lightly scratching her legs and giving her more chill bumps.

The cold air hit her, but she didn't have time to think about it since he quickly placed his hand over her. She felt her body grow warmer each little movement he did and it only took a few moments more before her body convulsed around his fingers and his mouth.

After the waves were done he stood up and kissed her once more, placing her hand in his he led her to their lush hammock in the corner and laid her down on it. He took in her beauty and relished in the fact that she was his and he was hers.

He moved on top of her, but he did so in a slow manner like he had everything else and he carefully watched her reactions. He was afraid that he might be too heavy for her, but when she reached up and kissed him, he settled his weight and she loved how he felt on top of her: finally they were skin to skin and she loved it.

"Emma," Donovan started and she looked up at him, not a single worry in her eyes. "This is going to hurt just a little, but I'm going to do my best for it not to." He told her and she nodded, because she knew stories of the first time, but she trusted this man and his actions.

He positioned himself over her and she let out a small breath she didn't know she was holding in as he started to enter. He didn't want her worrying to linger, so he did it quickly and the only pain she felt was a small pinch that made her lightly whimper and just as quickly as it had happened, it started to fade, and was quickly replaced with a sensation that felt wondrous.

Donovan heard the whimper however and looked at her with such care and concern in his eyes, but she smiled up to him and when he started moving her mouth popped open from the pleasure.

He felt so good and she was so tight that he had to hold himself back. He wanted to love her physically as ferociously as his heart did, but he knew she couldn't handle that, at least not their first time together.
They moved together graciously and lovingly, both seeming to know what the other was going to do before they did it. It was beautiful and when he finished he did so inside of her and then when they were done he gathered her in his arms and fell asleep holding her.

While he fell asleep quickly, she lay awake for a while, staring at the little cracks in the roof and listening to the rain outside.

She had just given her virtue to a man that wasn't her husband and who technically didn't know who she was. Guilt washed over her and she knew that she had to tell him. She made up her mind then that the next day she would tell him who she was. They had built up such trust toward each other and she didn't want to lose all of it and she knew the longer she waited the worse her chances were.

She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and she would, he would forgive her, she hoped, even if it just took some time for him to do so.

They were lying on their side and she felt each of his breaths tickle the fine hairs at the base of her neck, each little snore that he made caused her heart to beat only for him.

It took a while for her body to calm down enough to even attempt sleep, but once it had she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness and naked, cuddled to her man, there wasn't any other way she wanted to drift off.

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