Chapter 20

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*Thank you to everyone who has read my book this far and voted, commented and added to their lists. I love you all!*

Chapter 20:

Emma stared at him after he asked the question. Her face caught color as she bit her bottom lip and knew that she couldn't lie, to him or to herself, so she didn't.

"Yes I-I did." She told him and moved the covers away from her body baring her in only his shirt, she no longer felt like any of the men would barge in and see her dressed so scantily. She stood up and slowly started to walk over to him, needing to feel closer to him, to his warmth.

He watched her as she admitted what he hoped, deep down, that she was going to say and then move to walk to him. Right now, in that moment, he almost ran to her, just to feel her soft body contour to his, but for now he would settle for just a kiss.

As soon as she was close enough he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, melding them together. He looked down at her for a moment, taking in how her lips parted in anticipation of his kiss and he knew he could deny her no longer.

He brought his lips to hers and she tip toed up to him, knowing she was starting to become addicted to the way he kissed her, the way he held her, everything really.

He let her wrap her arms around his neck and hold her to him, their tongues dancing for several minutes before he knew he had to pull away, for now. If he didn't he would never be able to show her all of the gifts that he had gotten her.

She was out of breath when he released her and she bit her bottom lip, but she didn't move, just watched him as he moved to the satchels lying on the floor.

"I got a few things for you and since there was no hiding the tub or the privacy screen, I get to watch you open these." He told her and then handed her a couple of the satchels, the two largest ones.

She took them from him with shaking hands. He had bought her so much and she had never asked for anything from him: it made her heart flutter.

She couldn't lie to herself, she was really excited about being able to open the gifts, which now she knew were clothes, but she was almost saddened that she wouldn't be going around in his shirt all day, but at least the clothing she wore would come from him.

She laid them on the bed and opened the first one, giddily pulling out article after article. The bag was filled with long flowy skirts of every color and even a couple pairs of slippers. There were even a couple of dresses and she was relieved that they weren't like the ones that she had to wear when she was in the palace.

Instead these were lightly cinched at the waist and one was long sleeved, but sheer so she wouldn't burn up and the other was a halter top that also cinched. The first was a shimmery blue and the second was white with flowers embroidered here and there.

They were so beautiful and she couldn't believe that he bought her so many things, she was already desperate to find out what was in the other.

She spilled the contents on the bed, not patient enough to pull them out one by one. This one was filled with tops of different kinds, long sleeved ones and some with little cap sleeves. They were beautiful and she knew they would all look so beautiful when she tucked them in the band of all her high-waisted skirts.

Watching her excitingly look through all the clothing made Donovan so happy that he had bought her everything that he thought she would need. He couldn't wait to see her wear everything.

She turned to him, a slight sheen over her eyes from the thoughtfulness of it and told him thank you. It was then that she noticed he was still holding a satchel in his hand. It wasn't as big as the others had been, but it was still decent sized and she wondered why he hadn't given it to her.

He held it out a little as she noticed it, his smirk popping up.

"Lass, sit on the bed. I get to get everything out of this bag and I get to watch your reaction while I do it." This time it was her stomach that fluttered instead of her heart and she found herself really nervous.

What was in it?

She gently scooted her clothes over and she sat down, him sitting across from her. He opened the bag on his lap and started to reach his hand in to grab something.

"Of course, I can't give you a tub and not give you anything to wash your delicious body in." He told her and watched her face color up a bit as she tried to control her breathing.

He pulled out shampoos, soaps, bubble baths and even scented oils to put in the bath. She reached for them, smelling them all and was so excited to take a bath now, whenever she had her first chance she was going to take one.

Emma thought that he was almost finished, but he poured a little mound of clothing that, at first looked like scraps to her, but when he picked up one of those little scraps and told her that it was her underclothes, she turned scarlet. Even the bras, from what she could tell, didn't have much to them either.

She stood up, flabbergasted and pointed a finger at the clothing. "I can't wear those! There is nothing to them!"

He stood up too, in front of her and grabbed her finger, putting it in his mouth, sucking on it and rolling his tongue around it. His mind was already imagining what she would look like in them.

Slowly he withdrew her finger and looked down at her, his eyes turned molten.

"Why not little lass?" He asked her, his hand sliding up her thigh and around to cup her cheek as he had that morning. "You would look so mouthwatering I wouldn't be able to mine off of you." He squeezed and leaned down to her, his mouth touching hers briefly while he spoke.

"Tonight I am going to pleasure you again. I want to touch you, to feel you." Her breath caught in her throat because his voice was raw, needy, husky and very much held a promise that she hoped he would keep, even though she would never admit that to him, at least not right now.

He pulled back from her, not touching her at all now, he wanted her to crave his touch and he was a patient man.

She watched as he walked across the room to the tub, pushing it until it was underneath some kind of spout. She was wondering what he was doing because even royalty had to have someone fill their tubs for them.

"There are still a few hours left in the day and I want you to take a bath, enjoy yourself, then when you are finished I want you to dress from anything on this bed. All you need to do for the bath is to turn the nob on the top of the spout. Don't worry about how it works, just that it does. We have a water purification system on this ship and since it has been a few days since it was hooked up there will be plenty of water, barrels and barrels even."

He moved to her and kissed her once more, very short and briefly, his hand covering a breast at the same time, wanting to stir the embers so that it, along with that morning would be in her head for the rest of the day, causing a fire that he would put out later.

"I will be back later Miss Emma, think of me and the pleasure I will bring you later while I am gone." It was hard for him to leave her, he wanted to play with her now, but he wanted her to think about it all day, her body to grow more anticipatory with each passing hour.

She watched him while he left, speechless, and not knowing what to do, she let herself feel what he left behind in her body.

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