I didn't know how long I was sitting there but I felt someone's presence next to me and Kylie sat there quietly placing her head on my shoulder.

Kylie's POV:

I waited for an hour and realized that Harry wasn't coming home anytime soon. I sighed getting up from the couch and headed out the door. I checked the first place that came into mind, the gym.
I searched to parking lot but his car wasn't there so I didn't bother going in there. I thought where else he could be then it clicked my mind. The cliff he took me to.

I tired my best to remember where it was. I got lost a couple of times but found my way. Harry's car was parked and he was sitting looking out in the distance.

I got out of the car walked to where he was. He didn't see me at first but once I sat down his head turned to look at me. I layed my head on his shoulder and looked out in the distance. Harry kissed the top of my head before taking a deep breath.

Harry's POV:

"When I was 9, my sister committed suicide. Her suicide letter said how she hated getting bullied and couldn't handle it anymore." I whispered loud enough for Kylie to hear. It was painful to think about.


I never knew what it felt like losing someone I loved until that day. I came home from school, excited to show my family a picture I painted them in art class. The picture was of me, mommy, daddy, and Gemma. I got off the bus walking down the sidewalk until the familiar house came into view. This time when I came home there were police cars outside. I walked into the house confused. I saw my mommy and daddy crying while talking to the police officers as they wrote stuff down in their note pads. Once mommy saw me she ran up to me and hugged me so hard.

"What's the matter mommy?" I asked.

"Where's Gemma?" I also asked making my mom cry even harder and she hugged me tighter.

"Harry, Gemma isn't coming home" Daddy quietly said as tears ran down his face.

"What do you mean? She's going to come home and play with me" I said. This only cause more and more tears shed.

"No Harry, she isn't" Mommy whispered.

"Excuse me, but we found these on the dresser" The police officer said handing mommy and daddy three pieces of paper. She handed one to daddy and one to me. I read the letter the best I could.

Dear Harry,
Oh Haz, Iove you so much you cheeky little boy. I'm sorry I won't be here to watch you grow. I won't be here to help you. I won't see you graduate. I won't be here to see all the girls you're going to get. I won't see you future wife and I won't be an aunt to your kids. But know that I will be watching over you. And even if I'm not physically there, I will always be in your heart. Please know I had to do this and I couldn't handle the bullying anymore. I love you and please remember it.
Love, Gemma <3

That's when I knew Gemma wasn't coming back ever.

*end of flashback*

"After Gemma committed suicide, my family fell apart. My mom found out my dad was cheating on her the whole time with another women. He gave us up for her. He had a whole new life. He was happier with them then with us. I then started to hang out with the wrong crowd. I got tattoos and became a player. Then one day, my mom found a new man. I didn't want a new dad because I thought he would leave us too. When she told me they were going to get married, I lost it. I couldn't accept the fact that my mom wanted another family even after all the shit we've been through so I ran away from home when I was about 16." I told Kylie who sat there with tears in her eyes.

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