Chapter 11

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*WARNING* this chapter is a little smutty at the beginning if you dont like it then please skip it.

Kylie's POV:

I wake up to Harry nuzzled up next to me and I couldn't help but grin. I wish I could stay here all day, warming against his body for heat and warmth, making me feel safe.

Beep, beep, beeeep, the ring of my cell phone interrupted my thoughts.

I went to reach it from the desk but it wasn't there. I noticed a blue squarish figure vibrating to the right of me on under the bed and I couldn't quite reach it.

I dreaded the thought of getting out of bed but I had to see who was calling me, it might be important.

I tried to step out of bed but something was pulling me back or.......someone. Harry's huge muscular arms laid across my stomach preventing me from moving.

"Harry",I shouted.

"Harrrrrryyyyyy", no answer. I guess he was a deep sleeper. I thought popped into my head of how to wake him up.

I begin to kiss him on his forehead, then to his cheek, to his neck until I heard a grumble with a hint of a smirk coming across his face.

"Can I get waked up like this everyday" he said.

"We'll see", I teased.

"I guess it's my turn to pleasure you, isn't it" he said.

"What do u me-" I was cut off by the sound of my own gasp.

Before I could process everything, Harry slowly started to pump a finger in me.

"Here's the tease" he exclaimed. Putting one finger in me.

I moaned loud wanting more and more.

"Here's the please" he smirked. Putting two fingers in me. "Are you ready for the destroyer" he asked.

"Yes", I groaned, yearning his body against mine.

"Here's the destroyer", he said. Putting three fingers in me.

In that I started to cum and he released his fingers to my dismay and I laid there just panting and gasping for air.

"What was that", I questioned.

"A thank you",Kylie, he answered.

"Thank you for what", I asked.

"For being here for me", he said.

"That was a weird way of saying thank you. But, you don't have to worry about anything, cause I'm not going anywhere", I reassured him.

I got up and gave him a kiss.

"Where are you going", he asked.

 "To take a shower", I answered.

"Oh", he replied.

I began to walk away and suddenly turned around to meet his gaze.

"Your not coming", I asked. His eyes enlarged as I asked this question.

"W-wait, you want me to take a shower with you" he stuttered.

He looked cute when he stuttered.

"That's up to you to decide" I said giving him a wink.

I left the bedroom and heard large footsteps following me.

As I walked away I realized I didn't even answer my phone call, I guess that can wait.


After our interesting morning, we decided to have a relax day by going to the mall. We were at the mall for an hour and Harry was starting to get annoyed.

"Haaaarrrryyyy" I whined. He sat there saying "that looks good" for every clothing I've tried on.

"I swear if you whine one more time I'll take you right inside the fitting room." He threatned.

"Harrrryyyy" I teased.

He got up and made his way towards me. This was my signal to run. I ran straight into the fitting room locking the behind me.

"Kyliee open uppp" Harry whined.

I slowly unlocked the door and opened the door. Within seconds I was pinned up against the wall. Harry stared at me in the eyes before dipping his head down and kissing my neck.

"Harry.. s-stop" I breathed out.

He stopped and looked at me with a pouty face. I rolled my eyes and pushed pass him laughing.

"I'm hungry" Harry complained.

"Me too" I said.

We entered the food court and searched for something to eat.

"Styles?" I heard someone say.

We both turned around to see a guy a couple of inches taller then Harry.

"Jamaal?" Harry questioned shocked. He looked so familiar.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed. They both gave each other a man hug before seperating.

"It's been years" Harry said.

"It has! And who is this?" He asked smiling.

"This is my girlfriend, Kylie" Harry said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Wow, finally tied down to one girl?" Jamaal laughed. Harry laughed and nodded his head.

"Lets catch up sometime." They exchanged numbers before Jamaal left.

"Who was that?" I asked while eating french fries.

"Best friend from my childhood." It then clicked my mind. He was a professional basketball player.

"You're friends with a basketball player?" I asked fangirling.

He nodded and chuckled at my behavior.

We finished our food and were walking to the car before we were stopped by a deep voice talking.

"Well well well... If it isn't Harry Styles." The unknown person said.

"Thomas." Harry growled.

Cliffhanger. Omg guys im like suuuuppperr sorry i didn't update. I wanted to delete the book because I think it isnt good and i still think its bad  but my friends want me to keep writing so i am :)
Ill try to double update tonight. If not thn ill update this week because I have half days tomorrow and wednesday.

Thank you for reading and voting.

Vote and comment what you think please?

Love you guys,
Sarika <3

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