Helping People Is What A Hero Does

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"Just marry me." Gumball says, his eyes and voice pleading for a yes. Pleading for me to agree. But how can I agree to a request like this? I don't want to marry Gumball, I mean, I had just gotten over him! Plus I want to marry someone I really love. Someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I doubt Gumball wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

"No Gumball, I'm not doing that." I immediatly turn to leave, but he grabs my arm, forcing me back.

"Please Fionna. Pepppermint Maid is trying to set me up with a bunch of Princesses from all across Aaa and I'm just too busy with my work to marry anyone. If you don't I'm going to end up having to marry some one and disappoint them because I can't be there for them, or because I don't love them." he tries to explain, but this just makes me angrier.

"So instead of disappointing someone else your going to disappoint me?" I shout, my temper getting the best of me.

"No, no, I just need you to marry me simply so I don't have to get married. You see?" he moves his hand down into my hand, but I pull away. I don't want to hold his hand, and I don't want to marry him. "Please, can you at least think about it?" I sigh.

"So what if I do agree, and I marry you? What happens then?" I ask, skeptically.

"Then you would come here and live in the castle. Maybe help out around the kingdom a bit. Thats all." he gives a reassuring smile.

"So I could still adventure with Cake?" he nods. Okay, so it doesn't sound all bad, other than being away from my sister more than I was used to. And I would be helping out the kingdom and Gumball if I did, and that's what heros do right? Help people.

"How about you let me know tomorrow? So you can uh, think about it a little?" I am relieved that he gives me this extra day.

"Yes. Tomorrow. I'll be back then." I turn and hurriedly leave, but before I shut the door to Gumball's lab I shout a quick "Bye Gumball!".

"Goodbye Fionna." he says, in a charming voice. Probably trying to get me to say yes. Like that would help. No matter what, I'm not going to love him. If I do marry him it would be strictly to help. I think about it all the way back to the tree house.

"Baby girl, what's up?" Cake asks as soon as I entered the tree house.

"Sit down Cake, I have a story." and so I tell her about Gumball's litteral proposal.

"Oh baby, you don't have to do that if you don't want to."

"I know, but, do you think I should? I mean, it would be helping people right? And that's what I'm suppose to do. And the only thing that would change is living there. I mean I already help the candy people. It wouldn't be that different."

"Sounds like you're okay with it." she remarks. And I do agree, it sounds like I'm okay with it, but my insides are having a battle, and I don't know how I feel. I need Cake to tell me what to do.

"I think you should tell Gumwad to fuck off, grow some balls, and marry someone." I look at Cake, then around the room.

"Marshal Lee, you come out here." Cake commands, making Marshall come out from the shadows.

"H-how long have you been here?" I ask worried.

"Long enough to hear your little story." he scowls. "I can't believe your even considering marrying that sack of-"

"Marshall stop! He's my friend and I want to help him. At least, I think I do." I mumble the last part, but with his vampire ears he can hear. Of course, I should have thought of that. I mentally slap myself.

"See, you don't. You don't want to marry that Gum-ass." he smirks, laughing at his own joke. I roll my eyes, getting up off the couch. Cake stands as well.

"I trust Fionna will make the best decision." Cake smiles at both Marshall and I. But I don't trust myself with making such a big decision.

"But Cake, what do you think is the best?"

"Well, helping people is great, and it sounds like your alright with it, so why not? Go for it!" she smiles wide, placing a paw on my shoulder.

"Fi, trust me, you don't want to be around that uptight wad all the time. Hey, how about tonight we go fly around for a bit?" Cake gives Marshall a weird look, and so do I. I mean, I knew he hates Gumball, and Gumball isn't too fond of him either, but why would he not want me to marry him? That's my personal biz.

"Why shouldn't I?" I ask Marshall carefully, watching his expression. He floats a few feet abover the ground, moving past cake and closer to me.

"Fi, look into my eyes and tell me you want to marry Prince Gumball and live in the Candy Kingdom in the castle." he moves in close, our noses nearly touching, and meets my bright blue eyes with his dark red ones. No, of couse the answer is no, I really want to stay here with Cake, but at the same time for some reason some part of me doesn't want Marshall to win. To have the satisfaction of being right.

"Marshall Lee, I want to marry Prince Gumball and help the Candy Kingdom." I force myself to say the lie. He scowls, and turns away from me, grabbing his black umbrella and opening the door.

"Fine. Do what you want, Queen Gumwad." he says the name as if it's poison and slams the door.

"What was that all about?" I ask Cake, turning to look at her. She shrugs and walks back into the kitchen.

"I have no clue. Probably just because he hates Gumball." she gives another shrug. "All I know is that I'm starving. Can I whip you up something? Maybe an everything taco?" I shake my head and decline. Not even an everything taco can make me feel better.

"I'm just gonna chill upstairs and think about junk." I mumble, climbing the ladder to the bedroom. Cake lets me be and I sit on my bed, just thinking. Tomorrow I would tell Gumball I would marry him. Who knows how soon the wedding would be? My life can totally change in a matter of a few days if that's what Gumball wants. I sigh, taking off my bunny hat and letting my long blonde hair cascade onto the bed as I lay down. I try to think possitive. I mean, Gumball said nothing would really change. Except for a move in homes it would be fine. But I can't shake this bad feeling I had about it. And what was up with Marshall? I just repeated in my mind.

I'm helping people

I'm helping people

I'm helping people.....

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now