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Monster Randy continued to punish me. Though now only a few times a week.

I was greatful however that meant that one of the other girls were taking my place.

It was one night after I entered my 13th year, I was about 5 months pregnant. He gripped my hair as he threw me into the kitchen. Yelling at me to clean as he had to punish the new girl for not putting enough carrots in the stew.

It was then in that task I knew how I would do it. Kill my Master.

Once finished cleaning I sat there. Waiting as usual to be dismissed.

Master came into the room.

"Let me check your work you filthy slut."

He walked past me then to the other side of me. His back to me.

Wrong move.

I quickly and quietly stood.

Standing tall. Brave. Without fear. Either I will walk out of this house alive or I will die. Either way Monster Randy would never touch my living body again. He would never see me flinch under his gaze.

He turned. As he did, taking notice that I stood. Before his voice could escape his nearly toothless mouth. I swung.

The knife hiding beneath my leg being now grasped my my right hand I sliced into his throat.

His voice trapped. His eyes once filled with control and power, now filled with fear. Fear of a little rose who's thorn was deadly and quick.

The knife slid through his throat almost effortlessly as my hand swung from left to right.

The monster stumbled back. Grasping his bleeding throat. Gasping for air.

Falling to the floor. I knew what I had to do. I needed to punish him, I needed to become the monster.

Kneeling down to him I whisper.

"Don't die yet. You will miss the best part."

I sliced open his bagging pants. And pulled out his flacid member.

He looked in horror. I sliced it off, not before stuffing it into his gaping mouth.

Standing, tossing the knife to his feet I say my final words rather word to my Master.


When I turned there stood some of the other girls.

Mixed with fear and happiness they just looked at me in shock.

Stolen ~ Book #2 Where stories live. Discover now