New Beginnings

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The old wise man sat at the reins, leading the horses with the two young men sitting behind him. We sat at the back of the wagon. With nothing more then a blanket to share.

My new life, our new life.

I could hear quiet sobs coming from my sister. Hopefully she stops soon as it is not polite to cry in front of men especially husbands. Since this man is taking us maybe he is now our husband?

Maybe we were talented at our 9yrs of age to not need to go to auction?

I didn't know how to make boy babies yet. Mother didn't teach me that.

Maybe my birth year sister was told by her mother. I don't think she taught her well. She is still sobbing.

Pulling up to a home I relaxed a little. Finally we will be able to stretch our legs.

Getting out of the wagon was going to be difficult as there was mud and puddles around. My sister follows my lead, she is probably hoping to hide her tears.

I manage to jump down and still keep my balance. My sister on the other hand stood there. She waited, she cried.

Just as it seemed she was finally going to jump the old man grabbed her by the dress. Pulling her down to the mud.

"Get up you little bitch"

He commanded as he motioned towards the house.

"One of you is going to have some fun tonight." Out of the corner of my eye you could see him lick his lips. He must be thirsty. Maybe I will be able to give our new Lord some water once inside.

Getting inside standing next to my muddy sister, her tears streaking down cleaning paths through the mud spattered on her face. I feel bad for her, but she should have known better.

"HEY, one of you girls take this one to the rooms. She is going to be the new dish girl, for now." He directed towards me.

How many girls does he have here.

A girl maybe a couple years older then I came and gripped my hand. She seemed to try and comfort me, I don't know why? Is that not the roll for a female to do the men's bidding no matter the task? Washing dishes wasn't going to be hard.

As we went to another room down a hall the door closed. I was shown where to wash, and where I could sleep. There were 3 others in the room with me aside from the one who got me.


A very angry male voice penitrated the walls.

I hope he does not think that I am as disobedient as my birth year sister.

All of a sudden I hear screams coming from outside the room the other girls all went to their cots and covered their heads I heard a few sobs.




That scream nearly shattered my ear drum. Silent as death had taken sound engulfed the house. You could now hear every decibel of sound coming from the other room.

"Thats right you little whore. You take my cock and suck it. Then I am going to claim you all over again in that now bloodied crotch of yours. You will know who your master is. And never delay me again."

Her sounds now silent.

Until more screaming took their place back into my ears.

Soon silence seeps into the surrounding darkness, nothing but footsteps as someone moves around. The door opens and in the door way you could see a figure of the Randy the Elder and my now naked sister. He throws her into the room and slams the door.

No one dared to get up to see if she was okay. It would have been pointless with the darkness that holds the room still.

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