The Dinner

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One more year or so I am told, I will go to Auction, be trained to become a wife. To be instructed on how to please our husbands and further learn to care for our children. Also on how to provide male children. Mother would always tell us to remember to be on top to get it in there good. Not sure what that means completely but I am sure when I go to Auction I will figure it out.

Father has us go the main house to clean and to serve him and his guests often. Today was special the Wise Man from across the water is coming to congratulate Father on conceiving 10 male children. Mother has given him two so far. He has had the others from the rest of the wives he has had in his many years. Father is getting older, greying almost white hair, he has lots of wrinkles to his face, and a slight limp. Mother has to go tend to him often due to her being the current oldest wife, there was one that was older but she was to weak to continue during child birth. It was a good thing that it happened though or Father would have to send her away, the twins she was carring got stuck causing her weakness. They were born together, Mother said that it was a good thing she took the cowards way out, as she was not smart enough to grow the babies separately.

Cleaning the table is alot of work but a sister from one of the other wives is helping me. Father has us also cleaning the platform not sure why though it is never used.

Mother spoke of it before. She said it was used as an offering table. That the wisest of men offer up something pure to bestow or honor great fertility to the Man of the home. Father is a great man, he deserves the honor not many men father 10 sons, at least that is what mother has told me. He would be known for 12 but the other wife couldn't grow her babies properly.

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