I Didn't Know

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If you read the last chapter all the way through I am sorry. It bothered me to write it, but I felt it needed to be done. There are children even today that are taken and forced into the sex trade. Where they may experience anything. Remember to question, ask why, and look out for your fellow human.

It is now spring I am about to enter into my twelfth year. I have only received only a handful of punishments over the last two and a half years. I have become one of Master Randy's favorites. 

Master Randy is amazing he is thoughtful and kind to all of us. Though some of the older girls don't think so. They have said bad things about him.

One girl who was nearing her final year with the Master she spoke about wanting to kill him. I told Master.

I was punished only a day that time for speaking out. She was beheaded upfront of everyone.

She only had a year before being sent to Auction to help teach the growing men. She should have been nicer to Master Randy.

Master Randy sends all girls once they reach the age of 18 years to Auction for men to learn how to treat women and how to pleasure themselves using women's bodies. He said he is doing his part and keeping the men that are coming of age well trained.

My daily duties now included feeding the young, cleaning the room after punishments, and keeping an eye on the rules so they are followed.

The day was going as usual, Master was going to be gone for a few days as he was going to congratulate a man on his twentieth son.

Once the Master was gone, one of the younger girls spoke up how Master was cruel.

I was taking a mental note when one of the older girls came over to me. She was Masters favorite to bring in the bedroom. However I am still fuzzy on what exactly goes on in there.

She spoke to me.

"I know you are going to tell on her. But just so you know. Eventually you will become me. I was you. Following rules, Masters favorite. Then I turned 14. Master's favorite age to start taking us to the room. Though he has taken younger.

When that happens he picks a new rule keeper. Someone who is young and stupid enough to follow his rules blindly. He is mean and cruel. In time you will see. But you have a choice to make by the time he comes back. Do you tell all, getting that poor girl punished and myself. Or do you not tell him anything.

One day I hope his punishments kill me. Then I will be able to be free, and be with my birth year sister that he brought me here with. He pushed himself inside her in front of me. Then when all was said and done he had me hang her up downstairs. That was the day he chose you to be his new rule watcher. And the day I started going to the room. He forced me till he broke me. Though not quite.

Go look in the basement if you dont believe me."

I stood their in disbelief that she spoke that much and that she spoke in ill of Master. However I am curious.

When I went downstairs I was not prepared to see what was there.

Chains hanging from all over. Some with emaciated bodies of girls no longer holding life. In the corner there was a bin, I didn't want to look. I had to, I had to find out if Master really was a monster.

"Oh my god" The sad whisper escaped my lips as tears started forming in my eyes.

In the bin lay new borns at various level of decay. On top was the freshest. Laying naked as the others were what appeared to be a baby caught in a cry, still attached to the placenta, then I noticed something. It was a boy. It had a penis.

"What are you doing down here!"

Master was home. He was home early.
Grabbing me by the arm he dragged me upstairs. Tossed me into the room he likes to punish us in.

"What do you have to say for yourself you little bitch!"

"Why the babies?" I didn't mean to talk. It just came out.

"Because I train girls to train men. No one needs any babies coming from you filthy lot. You go their pure. Making me some nice money while we are at it.

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