Age Nine

656 17 5

My mother was nice. She made sure when had enough to eat, and warm clothes. She also didn't make us start looking after the younger sisters or helping at the main house till we were only one year away from going to Auction. She said she wanted us to be kids as long as possible.

I am currently the 3rd oldest which is still with Mother, but I am her 9th child. The two sisters above me were twins. They were going to Auction next month.

They along with Mother have been showing what my new duties will be once they leave.

I hope to have many children with my future husband. Most want to have a male child but I would rather have many girls. A girl can stay with you for a long time, a male child goes off to live with the husband at two years. To be able to be around my children for longer would be such a great joy, seeing each of them off to Auction to go and become women and mothers to the great men of the world.

Mother has had 2 male children already she is hoping her current pregnancy ends with another male. Though she was brought up like all females thinking Male babies were the key to happiness. She says she is carring low like when having the male children so she is hopeful, this is her fifteenth pregnancy. Mother is about thirty five years of age, I remember asking about her age once.

I hope to be in a big home with many other wives just like mother, Father has seven other wives I dont see them often, Father said he plans to take on another wife next month with my sisters go to Auction. I hope she is nice, the new wives are always nice at first, then they get 'hormonal' as Mother calls it.

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