Dinner Part 2

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My birth year sisters and I stand to the back of the room and wait as men from the area come in, all taking seats as our father sits at the head of the table. He looks amazing, though now graying and becoming older than most of the men around him.

Everyone silenced as the wise man entered. He was white haired and a frizy beard that when everywhere as he limped to the other end of the table. His nose was reddened and eyes slightly drooped. His presence gave me a shiver as he walked in. His name was Randy Wise man of the Great City.

It is said that to become a wise man, you must produce 20 male children in 15 yrs. It is very rare to have happen.

Father welcomed him and his guests. We served as they ate.

Once finished the wise man spoke. His words lost on me as I could not understand the meaning.

It was then two of the younger men in the room left and came back with father's newest wife. She was nice we spoke occasionally. She just finished Auction so was 16 yrs. She said she hoped to give father many male children.

She was placed in the center of the platform. Was she going to do something that would be an offering?

The wise man came to her and spoke.

"You, female of this house. Will give a male." He looked upwards.

"We offer to those men of the past the virginity of this woman. To give the Man of this house many more sons. To reward him of his current success."

The two young men grabbed her hands. Forcing her to lay down on her back, looking around the room I see grins starting to form on the faces of the other men. They look excited about something. The young men strap her hands down with leather bands at her wrists.
They then go to her feet, pulling her legs so that her bottom was just at the edge of the table. They pull out something from the sides of the table. Strapping her feet and legs so they sit so that they are opened to her opening.

She is crying. She should be quite. It would be a great privilege to be able to be an offering. To give your husband what he desires.

The clothes she wore are torn off her body.  The wise man rubs something over her opening bows and backs away. As he does men began to get up and go towards her. Removing the tops of their pants. One after another they insert themselves into her. She screams out with each thrust. Blood now evident on the floor. Each man taking at least 5 min with her, and each time right before their time is up they still and shudder in relief. What are they doing to her. Next and last up is father. He goes into her. Taking his time. He seems to take the longest.
When he is done he turns to the room. Where panting sweaty men stand, they applaud loudly. From the far door came mother and another wife. They take their time removing the newest wife from the platform. She is crying. And very still. She looks hurt. She shouldn't have cried then it wouldn't have hurt. Mother always told us to never cry in front of our future husbands.

Before they left mother looks over and gives a weak smile towards me.  Odd.

The wise man speaks once more.

"You will have many more sons."

Father's turn to speak.

"Thank you Randy the Wise Man. To you we give youth and prosperity. And two lives."

"Why you are so generous. I shall take my prize and my leave. May you have a fruitful year ahead."

He turns and chuckles. As the two young men from before came and grabbed both myself and my birth year sister. We follow. Because he is man we are but Women. It was then that I was taken from my home. Never to go to Auction for that I was sad, never to learn how to do the things I thought I would grow up to do. My life was stolen from me, to be the wife a husband deserved giving to him many sons. Sadly I will not have that chance.

Little did I know much more would be stolen from me in time.

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