Chapter 16: Heat Between Friends

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Derek's sexy self above/side

Zander's POV

Finally, Bentley is back at school. It's been a week since he last was at school. It still going to be difficult for me to get near him cause of Derek. I mean seriously, I'm not going to hurt Bentley. I rather hurt myself then hurt a single hair on his head. I need to talk to Bentley alone but that will kind of be impossible. Bentley isn't going to leave Derek's side.

I have to talk to Bentley. Even if I have to ask him out to dinner. I'm not going to let Derek get between me and our mate. After school I head to Stephen's house and knock on the door. He opens the door.

"What can I do for you Alpha?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk to Bentley." I said and he lets me in and tells me to wait in the living room. Bentley come down with Derek right behind him and I grumble to myself. Derek sits in the recliner and picks Bentley up and puts him on his lap. He sniffs Bentley's neck looking at me.

"Can we get rid of Derek. He's rubbing in our face that he can get close to Bentley without him freaking out." Phelax growls in my mind.

"Relax Phelax." I said back to him and he growls but listens to me.

"Bentley why don't I take you out to dinner. I know a good place to get really good homemade food." I said hopefully and he thinks to himself. I wait patiently while he thinks.

"S-sure. I-I'll have t-to get r-r-ready." He stutters cutely. I see Derek's eyes flash and I stare back at him.

"I'll go with you two." Derek said and I snarl lowly. He smirks at me and I growl lowly.

"Okay." Bentley said and hugs his neck. Derek rubs his back then Bentley heads upstairs.

"You are insufferable. I want to go to dinner with Bentley alone." I snarl and he chuckles.

"I'm not letting him out of my sight." He said crossing his arms.

Bentley's POV

My body gets hit all of a sudden and I pant. Why is it? I only have a short sleeve shirt and jeans on. I groan and head downstairs to see what temperature the thermostat is on.

When I get downstairs, I head into the kitchen. I look at the thermostat and see it's 65. Why am I so hot then. I hear growling and I tense up. Please not another bear, please not another bear. I look over my shoulder and see what looks like two bears fighting. They are biting and scratching each other violently. I scream and Uncle Stephen comes into the kitchen and see the bear look a likes.

He picks me up and takes me outside. He put my right ear on his chest and and cover the other with his hand. I whimper and clench his shirt shaking. I hear yelps and the fighting stops. Stephen doesn't get up he just holds me. I hear yelling coming from the house. The voice that is yelling sounds like Zander's papa.

I get up and Stephen stands up. We head inside and  head into the living. I see Paul, Zander's papa, yelling at Zander and Derek. They have their heads down.

"If I have to come back here again and settle your fights again. I'll make sure you two are going to be sorry." Paul said and they both say yes sir at the same time. "You two will get along." He said then heads out of the house.

Derek gets up and walks over to me and pulls me against his chest and sniffs my neck.

"You two were the bear like creatures?" I asked and he nods.

"Let us explain." He said picking me up and walks over to the recliner and sit down.

"The bear like creature we are, are actually werewolves." He said and I blink shocked. Werewolves, seriously? I thought they are fictional.

"You are also our mate." Zander said and I tilt my head confused

"What is a mate?" I asked looking at Zander.

"A mate is the other part of a werewolf's soul. So, you are the other part and mine and Derek's souls." He said

"Ok, so how will this work?" I asked looking between them.

"After awhile, when I get to know you better. We will mate when you are ready." He said.

"We will mate? What does that mean." I asked.

"Mating is having sex." Derek said and I gulp. Derek's dick will probably rip me in half with how big and thick it is. "Then we will bite you here and here." He added rubbing the part of my neck the connects with my shoulder on each side.

"Ok, but I'm not ready for sex at all." I said shaking and Derek rubs my back

"We'll take it at your pace. We aren't going to push you to do anything." Zander said smiling and I breath out a sigh of relief. My stomach growls loudly and I blush.

"Let's get some food in your belly." Derek said chuckling and stands up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We head out to Derek's car while Zander gets in his car and we follow him to the restaurant.

I got the heat idea from samara321123 so show her som love. Anyway let me know what you think.

AlphaoftheRedForest out.

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