Just saying.

(Kora's POV)

The boys have just gone on stage and the girls and I are once again waiting for the screen to turn to their performance as we get our mics set up and touch-ups on hair and makeup.

The guys start performing 'Am I wrong' and once again the girls and I are singing along and mucking around, the song is almost coming to an end and its Jungkooks solo (around 1:33 in the video) he starts singing the slowish part to the song and the camera zooms in a little bit, he raises his eyebrow and gives the camera the exact look that he gave me when he put his hand on my knee. I put my hand on my forehead and pretended to faint the girls laughed and we all had to get into performance mode, we started going over our choreo, the boys came running through the big blue door that they entered the stage from and the girls and I stopped doing our practice and paid attention to them, we started clapping and suddenly we were being dragged to the stage, multiple 'bye's' and 'good-lucks' were being thrown into the air as we were all laughing at each other, I saw the boys stop walking and saw that they were going to watch our performance, this is going to be fun... :)

We all waved and smiled to the crowd before getting back into serious performance mode and got into our positions, I was standing beside/behind Lisa, leaning my arm on her shoulder, I had one leg straight and the other bent and had my head down. I was waiting for the music to start and as soon as it did I walked into the middle and starting singing the first verse moving my body to the rehearsed choreography.

Finally we finished the stage, waving to the crowd and blowing kisses as we walked off of the stage the same way we entered. I took off my hat and wiped my forehead as I tried to get my breathe back, the girls opened up the big doors and we all walked through, seventeen was passing by to go on stage so we all halted and bowed to the guys, they did the same giving us warm smiles and silently saying 'fighting', I swear all of those guys are the sweetest human beings. I followed the girls to wear they were heading as I fiddled with my black hat. I heard voices that I immediately recognized as the boys of BTS I began to get giddy knowing that I'm about to see Jungkook but what I looked up to was not what I was expecting, I dropped to the floor in laughter as I saw Jungkook, Taehyung and Jhope trying to mimic Lisa's, Jennie's and my dance trio thing (1:14 in the video) Jungkook had his back towards us and so did Jhope as Taehyung 'slapped' their butts as they twerked, once the boys realized that it wasn't just them anymore, they turned around shocked and semi laughing at themselves in embarrassment, I was still on the floor semi laughing, semi crying I feel arms on elbows and I look up to see Jungkook laughing and pulling me up, god he looks like angel.

"GUYS! COME ON! We got to get ready for the next performance!" I sighed with a smile on my face and Jungkook slyly slipped his hand down my arm going over my hand but not picking it up, I looked down at our hands and back up to Jungkook, I sighed and moved my hand away, I don't want too but I have too, Jungkook and I still have a lot to talk about and I feel like I've already moved too quickly with this whole recent thing with us going on 'We Got Married' together and already being friendly with him, I just feel like I need to kind of keep my feelings on the down-low right now.

1 hour later

"Time for 'Blood, Sweat and tears' to take the stage, please." We hear over the intercom and we wave goodbye to the fancy ass looking boys, I keep my gaze on Jungkook though, he looks extremely good in black dress pants a white button up and a black white and seems to a tinge of blue suit jacket, shit they must all be so hot trying to dance in those outfits, unlike us girls who are in white skirts and a red top with white collars, we are paying close attention to the TV now and we see the boys get in there position, the music begins and my heart stops.

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