What am I doing here

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    Emma woke up heaving trying to inflate what feels like her crushed lungs. She tried to close her mouth yet noticing the bind that's keeping her mouth open. Drool slid down her chin, but she couldn't wipe it to see her hands were bound to a bench like chair. Her eyes adjusted to to the light to show that she was in a cargo wagon. As the wheels went over rocks and potholes making the wagon bounce she tried to remember what happened.
            She then turned her bound head the best she could to look for clues when she heard a gasp. "You-your awake" said a soft voice as the person sat next to her. Armin was staring with an uncomfortable glance barely making eye contact. "Ahhmahhn?" Was all that came out of Emma's mouth. "Sorry about the lip contractor as Hanji calls it, I tried to reason for them to not need it but they insisted protocall"  Emma stared at him more questions each second. "Don't worry It will be explained once you arrive at the base"
"Baaah?" Emma sounded out
"The survey corps base" Armin explained
Emma's eye grew wide and she started shaking her head (to what she could) and tried to break free from her constrains. Almost tipping the chair over Armin quickly puts all his weight on the side of the chair. Horrified he quietly try's to console her now trembling body for the rest of the way.

           The sun resting on its tippy toes of the horizon when the wagon stopped. Instead of undoing Emma's restraints they simply moved the hole chair. The action was fast, and she was quickly brought to a messy office inside the castle like base. Armin stood next to Emma as she heard foodsteps behind her.
               Two people walk around the desk and sit down. It was no other but the Survey corps leader Erwin Smith and a girl who matched the appearance of the Titan researcher Hanji Zoe.  Erwin was the first to speak
"Thank you Mr.Arlert you may go" he said pointing to the door
"I think I really should sta-"
"You may go" Erwin said again
           Armin looked at Emma but turned back to The leader and bowed his head and left. The girl exploded with questions left and right at one point turned simply inaudible.
"Hanji...."  The tall blonde said with a sigh
The girl confirmed as Hanji let out a laugh
"Whoops" she then turned to Emma
" oh I guess it's finally a ok time to take off that mouth restraint of yours?" She glided to behind Emma and untied the head gear letting it drop to the floor. Emma closed her mouth which felt like it hasn't been done in days.
      "Well first of all do you have any questions for us" Erwin says
"One probably more than any other... what am I doing here... what happened"
"Well your at the survey corps because we are pretty good at persuading the military to take people in like you. We just did it the other day with Eren"  Hanji says in a jokingly way
"Eren?!" Emma gasped and lifted her head to meet their eyes
"Can-can I see him?" She croaked
"Well it looks like you know less than what we do but, we will continue this tomorrow. Hanji will loosen most of your restrains except your hands... do not try anything we have over 100 people waiting to kill you"
                Emma nodded and waited for the freedom of not being cuffed to the chair.  Hanji helped her up and she quickly got feeling back in her legs.
"Do you know where I can fine Armin and Eren?" Emma said quickly wanting to be able to run and see them again.
"Their most likely in the mess hall for dinner, its downstairs, with doubled doors and it's where all the noise is coming from" Hanji finished with a laugh amusing herself
                Emma slid through the hallway not missing a beat to get there as fast as she could. She found the doors and heard commotion and what sounded like silverware hitting the table. Emma slammed through the doors and the room grew quiet. She surveyed the area until a familiar colored blonde and a boy with rosewood tinted brown hair  stood up. She ran to them slamming her body into theirs as she squeezed them (the best she could with cuffs on her hands) as if she hasn't seen them in years. They quickly hugged her back.
"What's going on" Emma whispered while never breaking the embrace.
             "Emma?"  A calm silk like voice said behind her. Emma turned to face a shocked Mikasa. Emma quickly clasped Mikasa,
"Your here to Mika?" Emma said wrapping her arms around Mikasa's neck
Mikasa returned the hug with a death like grasp as they clung to each other  "we thought you had died" Mikasa said as she let go to see Emma's face.
           Emma found the rest of the 104th squad as well noticed the few missing. All of them were kind of set back by her appearance, but quickly forgot. She sat down with the rest of them to finish eating after Emma and Krista finished having a crying fest. She was so happy to get to talk to Reiner and Bertholdt again but noticed Annie and Marco weren't there.
"Did Marco and Annie join the military police I presume?" Emma asks throwing her question to mainly Jean (after a few minutes of questioning why he was there) and Reiner. Jean looked down and everyone around him slightly grimaced
"Marcos dead" he said softly
"I'm.... so sorry" Emma said feeling remorseful

           After the mess hall Armin led Emma to his room that he shared with a couple other male members of the survey corps, but had a empty bunk bed top above his. Eren was the bed across from Emma's she realized.

         As the sun said goodnight, Emma excused herself to the bathroom, and stared at her reflection. She burst into tears which she hated so much. Her appearance alone upset her with her face covered in who knows who's blood and her long gold hair a now dirty maroon color. She then looked at her necklace. She had failed, her mission was to join the military police but she failed.
              She returned to the room frustrated but at least looking like her old self. She sat on Armin's bed waiting for him to return when a few guys came over and started surrounding Emma. They started to reach for her, she stood up ready for a fist fight when one of the guys "flew" past her. She had realized Eren sent him flying by punching him in the jaw. After that the guys backed off and Emma was left still standing in a fight position.
"Thanks, but I could have handled it" Emma said have joking as Eren got in his bed
"I know" he said with a sly laugh
           Emma said goodnight to Reiner who was also in the room and then Eren and Armin and climbed into bed

    ' how are you going to get yourself out of this one' she thought


            Thanks for the support guys!!! Let's try to get to 2k reads! I love reading your comments you can leave whatever you like!❤️❤️❤️
~Author-chan (the author who finally updated)

Armins sister || Attack on Titan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora