Grief? Pain? Murder...

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          Emma woke up to the sound of loud screams. She couldn't open eyes or in that matter move at all. By her surroundings on what she could tell, she was laying on dirt. She didn't have time long to think, as she was picked up by her throat. Emma was forced to open her eyes to see what the sudden force to neck choking her was. In front of her she a large man with tears washing his blood caked face.

            "You b*stard" he said chocking up "why did you do this.... You might as well be working for the Titans"  he said with his sorrow turning to anger.

           Emma was dumbfounded as the man finished speaking, but had no other choice but to keep struggling to free her neck. She realized that he was not alone. There was a small group of people all sharing the same look. Some were crying, some death stared her, but one women who was sobbing and holding a baby caught her attention. She looked longer and realized the baby was dead. It looked like little infant had been killed with brute force.

             Emma had no more time to think about it, when suddenly the man turned to the near building structure and slammed Emma's face into into the stone surface. A loud crack can be heard and in result Emma's nose started bleeding a severe stream of blood.

               Emma let out a shriek, and as if spontaneously the ground started shaking fiercely. Suddenly 3 5, 9, and 11 meter Titans were racing each other almost to see who could get to where the group and Emma were. The group stood in terror and the man dropped Emma to the ground with a thud. The debris in her leg was pushed in farther, when he threw/pressed her against the wall. She would have been crying if she hadn't been dehydrated for who knows how long.

                The Titans were almost upon them until, the 9 meter Titan suddenly falls, and on top of the head was Mitsuki, a female cadet that was switched to be Emma's practice partner when no one else did. The other two Titans were slain not far behind by Nao, a male cadet who was next in line to be in the top 10 but unfortunately didn't make it. Mitsuki used her maneuvering gear to get over to the group.

          "Hurry move quickly! This is no time to be outside there are Titans still roaming and could be here any second! Get inside" she said as the group of people scurried off.

            She turned and quickly ran to Emma. Her features were almost Unrecognizable. Emma was heaving hard, as blood spew out of her nose and trickled out her mouth. Mitsuki helped pick up Emma and put her on Nao's back.

              Emma was alive just barely as they flew over Titans. Mitsuki was relieved that they were able to spot the commotion when trying to get to HQ with the rest of the cadets.

(Skip this section of you already have memory of what happened in episode)
*the chapter ISN'T over at this section*

Mikasa was over come by emotion but had to subside it to hold a leadership look on now being in charge of the cadets for now. She over guessed her emotions and showed that through her actions until she ran out of gas. She fell onto a what once was roof of a ruined house structure and then rolled off and fell to the ground. She lay there until she heard large footsteps walking towards her. She wondered if she should even fight back. "Why keep living if there's no reason to live?" She asked herself. But it then dawned on her that Eren wouldn't want her to quit. She got all strength she could muster and walked in front of the Titan. She noticed there were now footsteps behind her. She decided to take out the first Titan and ran towards it until suddenly she was flung in the air.

She watched as the Titan behind her punched the other Titan in the face and then proceeded to killed it. She watched in astonishment until Connie and Armin showed up to help Mikasa. They asked her questions but all she could do was point to the Titan that had previously saved her life.
Armin, Mikasa, and Connie made it to HQ and saw more then half of everyone made it, but saw no one made progress on getting to the basement to get air and sword replacements. They soon found out it was filled with Titans, which Armin made a plan to kill them which turned successful, as they received the supplies they needed.

It was then suddenly Mitsuki burst through the door holding it open for Nao to walk in. He then revealed the broken Emma on his back as he softly laid her on two wooden crates that would equal the length of a table.

Mikasa and Armin ran to Emma, as everyone followed when hearing the commotion. Mikasa moved the maroon usually blond hair out of Emma's face revealing a blood stained skin, hiding her features only revealing black rings around Emma's eyes and nose. Mikasa turned to the shocked almost to tears Armin " Armin... Could you please bring me water and something to wipe her down with?" Mikasa asked softly, sympathetically. Armin nodded and ran to fetch the items.

Armin brought back the water and a small piece of cloth, and handed it to Mikasa. Armin slightly open Emma's mouth allowing Mikasa to pour water in her mouth. They next wiped the blood off her face revealing icy blue lips, pale and bruised skin, and a already swelling nose. Armin noticed there was little bruises that resembled rocks all along her body. They bandaged her leg before they began restocking items and were going to head back outside. Mitsuki offered to stay at HQ and watch Emma knowing she wasn't going to wake up or if she did she couldn't kill Titans. So everybody headed out.

It was almost sunset until Mikasa had just killed a Titan and landed on a roof, where a few familiar cadets were standing looking in the opposite direction. She looked to see what they were looking at and it was the strange Titan that saved her life earlier. She saw as all the Titans payed no attention to them and they all ganged up on the one Titan until he was killed. The Titan fell to the ground and started decaying, when something popped out of the neck. Mikasa saw a familiar face and used her grappling gear to jump off the building she was standing on to run to the rotting monster. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged the reassuring body and brought it closer to her, hearing a heartbeat. It was no other then her brother Eren, who had just previously died earlier, now fully alive. Mikasa burst into tears as she hugged her brother not thinking she would get to do this again.

Heyyyyyy!!!!!! Sorry I haven't posted this chapter sooner but hey here it is!!! Ew I'm really disgusted because schools gonna start in like 3 days 🤒🤒🤒


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