Military cadets

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One year has passed since Emma's grandfather left for the upcoming expedition. Sure enough he never made it back alive afterwards.
Emma, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa got around the last year by the few scraps they got from the garrison group, and sleeping outside underneath the stars. They were always determined to live long enough to reach the day where, they were old enough to join the military.
That was the day. The long grueling year, had finally come to the end. The four of them along with others their age were transported to land outside a wall that held a base camp for the military cadets. The four were mixed in with a group being scolded by a man named Keith. They all stared In front of them, not flinching if the person next to them, or even themselves got yelled at and scolded in some way.
             Keith was just screaming at a short boy with a gray buzz cut, as he stopped mid sentence and glared in Emma's direction. Emma's heart stopped. "In trouble on the first day great!" She thought. She then noticed Keith had been almost looking through her, she slightly stepped to the left and saw he had kept his deadly glare to the ghost to where she had just been.
              Emma noticed everyone was wearing a look of non-belief on their face. She slightly turned behind her to see a dark brown haired, almost red head girl. Emma's face soon shared the look of disbelief with her comrades but a hint of amazement slithered on her face, as she saw the girl holding a steamed potato and taking fairly large bites. This girl must have not noticed the tons of eyes especially Keith's sunken in ones, pounding her into the ground. She finally noticed her surrounding as Keith screamed at her. Everyone cringed at the slightly dimwitted girl, until her final punishment was to run laps and stop when she's on the verge of death.
                   Eren, Emma, Armin, and a few cadets were watching the "potato girl" run, just hitting 5 straight hours. The cadets near were cracking jokes about her until they turned to Eren and Emma. " We haven't heard who you guys are yet" a short buzz cut boy said. Emma realized it was the boy who got lifted up by his head, Connie, "I'm and Eren and she's Emma" Eren spoke up as he pointed to me. "And we're from Shiganshina along with Armin here" he said as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders. "Shiganshina!!!" They all exclaimed. "So you saw Titans" some asked

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