That day

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The four kids, heard a cracking sound through the sky as they flung up off the stairs. When they landed Emma asked " Are you all ok!?". They all gave her a quick nod before Armin took off running towards the source of the noise. "ARMIN!" Emma and Eren screamed in sync as they took after the blonde boy.
        The 3 children soon caught up with Armin, and turned to face him. As they were about to question him, Armin slowly removed his hand from his side and pointed halfway up. As Emma and Eren turned around their eyes grew large. They turned to see the sky go from a angelic blue to a sickly green, with black smoke rising over the wall as if trying to engulf the entire wall of Shiganshina. The four kids watched in horror, as the smoke started to thin out they could see at the top of the 50 metered wall, a hand in fact a giant skinless hand, was gripping the top of the wall. Gasps escaped like a wave from the now crowd of people. Suddenly a giant skinless head was looking over the wall and down to the people. Before anyone could think to get away, the skinless Titan kicked in the wall sending boulders flying in every which direction, most likely hitting and killing bystanders. Eren mutters something sounding like mom and starts taking off in the middle of the confusion. Mikasa and Emma look at each other and start running of to follow Eren, but before Emma got any further someone had grabbed her wrist. She turned around to see it was Armin. "Armin! What are you doing!" Emma says panicking. "Emma we have to get the boats we-" Armin was saying before being cut off by Emma getting her wrist free from the boys snake like grip. "Armin we have to help our friends" "But Emma"  "DONT BE A COWARD" Emma screamed turning Armins fearful face to a pained one. Tears started falling from the boys face, making time for Emma to begin taking off after her two friends.
      Emma began regretting calling Armin a coward, it wasn't his fault for being scared " I don't think anyone can blame him " Emma thought before turning a corner to face a nightmare. There was Eren and Mikasa standing next to their mother with a fallen in house on top of her. She saw Eren and Mikasa trying to pull their mother out. Emma felt her legs go numb, but pushed off faster to reach them.  Eren looked behind him to see Emma running up to them. " Emma!! Help get my mom out from out of the house " Eren said is a raspy voice as if he had been screaming. Emma nodded and got to work helping, even though she thought it was pointless, there was no way three children were going lift the debris of a house. 
As Emma accepted this she started crying, trying to hide the tears for Erens sake. The ground started shaking and all four of them stopped moving ( not like Erens mom could really move in the first place ). As they all ( except Erens mom ) looked up, to their horror   they saw a Titan. Their blood ran cold as the Titan was now coming forwards to them. Eren's mom ( Carla ) was in a fight with Eren telling them they needed to run, but Eren being his stubborn side said he wouldn't leave until they got her out. As the fight went on all four heard a whizzing sound and thud as well as someone running forwards to them. Sure enough it was the lazy drunk Hannes, most likely Eren's enemy to the rescue. " Don't worry I'll save all four of you " Hannes said confidently before running in the direction of the "creepy" Titan. There was a glimmer of hope Emma thought as she saw Hannes, about to reach the Titan with two swords in hand. But... Then he stopped, as he faced the Titan he stopped. He turned and started running back to the house. Before they could retaliate, Hannes threw Emma over his shoulder, Mikasa under the same arm, and Eren was seated on his shoulder on the opposite arm. Emma not being able to see anything behind her, had no idea what was going on but when Mikasa turned her head and closed her eyes and when Eren screamed and started reaching out towards the direction of the Titan and his mom, Emma didn't really have to ask. Emma started letting the tears fall staining Hannes garrison corps jacket, as she pictured the closest thing to a motherly figure, dieing. What made her weep was the thought of Eren having to watch.

Hi omg Emotional !!!! I didn't want to go into much detail for one thing it's really sad 😓 and two I feel like you get the gist~ the emotional scenes in anime hater      Ps this was around 800 words ... The chapters are getting longer

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