Introduction ( also the same summary )

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Again, thanks to @animefreak161   I have a beautiful cover my story! Go check her out!

                Emma Arlert lived with her grandfather since she was born being rejected by her parents for them wanting a son but instead got a daughter.  Making it clear they were disappointed in her gender, they cut off all contact with her. In the year 843 ( 2 years before the colossal Titans first appearance ) She was sitting on the fronts steps to her grandfathers house as he was having a meeting with two strangers. Finally the door opened revealing two adults, most likely a couple, or maybe siblings from the striking resemblance, shockingly close to her own appearance.  Gold locks, blue crystals for orbs (eyes), and a slightly pointed chin. The two grown ups looked down to the young girl with looks of pity and disgust. As they turned to leave  Emma's grandfather walked outside, tears slightly making across his wrinkled cheeks. "Emma dear child?" He silently asked, "Cancel any plans you may have made,... There's someone you need to meet" Emma looked up to Mr. Arlert, sighed and agreed.

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