God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

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Yami's P.O.V.

Téa returned in a few minutes carrying a sleeping Atem, and followed by a tired Heba. Atem looked so peaceful, it was weird.

"What happened to Atem?" Mini-Yugi asked. Heba smiled tiredly.

"Atem may have lent his power to Yami though Unoturn," Heba said guiltily. Atem rolled over in his sleep. I blinked in shock, then realized that was what had probably happened when I blacked out. Atem must have possessed me and fought Téa. It made sense. Mini-Yugi looked a bit relieved.

"Glad you protected me, but why hasn't Atem woken up?" I asked, looking at Heba. Heba frowned for a minute.

"Methinks that it was the fact he had possessed thee. It takes a while to regain strength from that," Heba answered. Atem muttered something in his sleep before opening his eyes. Upon opening his eyes, he saw me and the others and jumped. Heba laughed at his husbands display.

"What are we doing here, Heba?" Atem asked, looking at his husband. Then he looked at me, frowning. He glanced up at my brow when I shifted position, and the Yami no crown glittered a bit. Then he realized what I actually signified.

"Brother!" He cried and ran to hug me. Upon impact, I took a step back, but immediately hugged him back, and cried into his shoulder, him dousing mine as well. These were happy tears, however, and I am pretty sure everyone knew that.

"I love you!" Came my muffled reply as I had my face in his shoulder. He simply nodded. Heba smiled at me. I loved being smiled at. I smiled back. Mini-Yugi kissed Atem's cheek.

"To update you, Atem and Heba, Anzu has changed the deal. Now she wants to separate the memories from the body. Yuugi, your son, volunteered to do it, but he wants to help us perform God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen before he does this. So, will you help us?" Mini-Yugi said, breaking up my touching moment.

         Atem nodded. "We will help thee, brother," he said, and stood up. Yugi glared at Téa, who reluctantly unpossessed his body. He moved towards the others. And they started singing.

God rest ye merry gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
Remwmber, Jesus Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day,
To save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray.
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy.

God rest ye merry gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
Remember, Jesus Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day,
To save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy.

In Bethlehem in Israel,
This blessed child was born,
Laid within a manger upon his blesses morn,
The which his mother Mary did nothing take in scorn,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy.

'Fear not then' said the angel,
'Let nothing you afright,
This day is born a Savior,
Of a pure Virgin bright,
To free all those who trust in him,
From Satan's power and night',
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy.

God rest ye merry gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
Remember Jesus Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day,
To save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O-oh tidings of comfort and joy. 

         They finished, and Yuugi looked positively delighted. S0 Yami seemed happy Yuugi was happy, and Yugi just stood there eyes closed, along with Heba and Atem, seeming to want this moment to last forever.

         "Ahh!" Came Yuugi's voice, and we looked over at the sound of the voice, to see two Yuugis. One was fully coporial, but it was fainting, while the other was a spirit, and this one was fully aware. The second Yuugi was looking at his 'twin' with a horrified look on his pure face. The second Yuugi manifested a body, and stared at the coporial blank slate in front of him.

         "Yuugi!" Came Atem's panic sticken voice. He seemed very worried for the safety of his son.

         "I'm okay!" Came our Yuugi's voice. A cry from S0 Yami caused the group to look in his direction, where the same sort of thing happened. S0 Yami growled and solidified himself. Other Yami seemed very angry, but he looked down at himself in concern.

         I did not expect for there to be over 800 words in this one chapter. Anyway, vote and comment!

         Okay, I haven't been able to narrate forever, so I am here. Also, we perform the song like it was above. Like the Pentatonix. Anyway, Love you all!
~ Yami 'S0' Sennen

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