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Ryou and Bakura

We had packed up an hour ago, and had left. As usual, we paired up, so it would be more noticible if we got lost. And, since there is no chance that we can all get through the woods together, people got lost. Their names: Ryou and Bakura.

We had been walking after the group when I saw a plant I had been researching, and so I reached to get it. Bakura stopped beside me, and his gaze followed our group. Then they rounded a bend and were lost to sight. Bakura grunted in frustration. I looked up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and he looked at me, frowning.

"They went around the corner. I can't see where they went," Bakura said, and I just went back to getting the plant.

"So?" I asked, while tugging viciously tugging on the adamant root.

"So!? There is a crossroads around the corner. We won't be able to tell which way to go, as Jay and Alia are the only people who can circumnavigate the area! We have no idea which way to go!" Bakura was now hyperventilating. He has serious control issues.

I do not!

Bakura, we both know you do. So far, since you haven't been narrating, you have destroyed the coffee table, five glass chairs, and a window.

Those were all accidents and you know it!

If accidents now mean purposely, then yes, all accidents.

Humph. You don't know me.

I do though.

When I finally got the root from out of the ground, I turned to Bakura and sighed. He seemed shocked to see me so calm, as if I have been like Malik all my life.

"Bakura, I have something that I want to tell you. Ever since I met ypu, I knew you weren't like other humans. You were so different, that I investigated your past, and, well, there wasn't any. It was as if your family had't exsisted. Like you were just put into the world. So that left one option; you are a Yami no angel, and cousin to the lost prince - Long may he reign! - of the Yami no angels," I said, my speech just making Bakura more and more astounded.

"The reason that you don't remember living for four millenia is because every century they wiped your brain. I know it sounds crazy, but, it's true," I continued. He simply stared at me. I blushed at the continued gaze. He then blushed and looked at me lovingly.

"How do I take out my wings?" He asked, and I was more than happy to tell him.

When his wings were fully summoned, I gasped. Their beauty rivaled my own. Along the black feathers that made up his wings were a sort of gold dust, powdering the feather and giving his wings a golden glow in the dim forest surroundings. Now I could see why people were so intimidated by angels. They were beautiful.

"Bakura! You look...amazing!" I said, breathless. He just leaned close to me, and kissed me. His tender lips touched mine. It was perfect.


Author-chan said that since we narrated again, and it is all now uneven, we get to give you guys the closing! She is out getting new furniture for the recording studio. Bakura has destroyed about half of it. And who's fault is that, Ryou? Bakura's. Anyway, you don't want to hear us argue. Bai!
~Ryou Bakura and Marik Ishtar

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