Chapter 6: Let's play Pt. 1 (Saphire's POV)

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Just then I saw James by his locker, so I started to walk over.  Then I remembered I’m Kimmy right now. James knew us so long that he could tell when I take over. Hey Saphie you in there. Sup girl, how’s the plan going? Good except for the fact I’m about to go to James, and remember he’s like the only one who could tell once we’ve switched places. Oh yeah, darn is observingness. Umm I don’t think that’s a word. You hating on my slang. Nope, not at all. Come on let’s just switch for this part. Fine, whatever.

A/N: So no one is confused again we’re back to Saphire.

"Hey Jay-Jay," I said as calmly as I could manage. Jay-Jay was a nickname I gave him when we were younger. Oh here's a fun fact: I knew him longer than I knew Scar. Like since those toddler days. Yeah when life was easier. This was definitely going to work. At least I hope so. Kimmy gave me the thumbs up to continue.

“Fireball, what’s' up," he said laughing. We were the only two who used these nicknames we had given each other. That’s how we know it’s us. He was too busy looking in his locker to see my new look.

“Well I need your help with something," I said wearily. This caused him to look up at me. It was on very rare occasions that I asked him for help. Actually I don’t really ask anyone for anything. It was part of me trying to gain independence when I was younger and it just stuck with me ever since.

“Holy crap, Fireball what happened to you?" he asked showing how surprised he was, while looking me up and down. I know he went into shock at the moment.

“James are you okay," I asked wearily.

He was still staring at me when he answered, “Yeah I'm good. Fireball I know were just friends, but DAMN you look hot!! And your clothes really show off your figure."

“Thanks and I know, but it's still good to hear though. Besides you know how I feel about that word," I said trying not to sound to conceited. See this is how he would’ve known Kimmy from me; she would’ve already started carrying about her (my) hotness.

 “Sorry Fireball,” he apologized while kissing my forehead. “Now what do you need. I will have you know I’m not helping you or Kimmy kill anyone or key their car. Also quick question," he said.

“Yeah Jay-Jay, what is it?”

“Where were you hiding that," he asked.

“Hiding what," I asked forcing him to say it. He knows I hate the whole beating around the bush thing. If you have something to say, say it; don’t waste everyone’s time.

“That, that body," he finally said motioning toward my body for extra effect.

“Nowhere it was always here," I answered him back.

“Sure it was. Fireball I’ve seen you down an entire tub of chocolate cookie dough ice-cream in ten minutes. How is it that you’re not fat?”

“Well I exercise daily and eat a balanced diet.”

He doubled over with laughter when I said this. Also so did Kimmy. We all know the truth is that I’m probably one of the laziest people you’d ever meet. The only reason I exercise daily is because of tennis practice. As for the balanced diet, I’m in college; this is the era of junk food for me. I only get to cook home meals every once in a while. It really sucks though because I have some awesome cooking skills. That’s one skill I was born with. 

Clutching his stomach and sobering his laughter he finally decided to say, “Okay so what do you need Fireball?"

“Alrighty then how should I put this... IneedyoutopretendtobemyboyfriendforawhilesoIcangetrevengeonScarandGabrielbecausewearekindofatwar," I rushed through the sentence. Now there was a blank expression on his face.

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