Chapter 25

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"Dear gods," I muttered. Mr.Malone was following the twins outside. I had to keep them in sight.

"What's wrong gorgeous?" Liam asked, pulling me tighter to him.

"I need some air," I pulled myself away from him, but he wouldn't let go of my hand.

"I'll go with you," He said.

"I'll be fine," I snapped.

"I insist. There's lots of dangerous things out there."

"You've no clue," I muttered. I ran outside, which was rather difficult in a dress, and caught up to the twins. "You two okay?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Nissa snapped at me. A growl emitted from the shadows.

"That would be why," I stated. I pulled out Riptide and flicked off the cap. It was the only weapon I had on me, so it would have to do. Whatever growled stepped into the light. It had the body of a man, but the head of a doberman.  "You are a Cynocephaly. Cynocephaly don't think for themselves.Who are you working for?"

"That's none of your concern, Alexis Winchester," Liam growled, moving to join the hybrid.

"Oh, that's not creepy," I said sarcastically.

"I'll admit, you're quite adept at sensing demigods. You should work on sensing monsters."

"Great advice," I twirled the sword over my hand. "You done with the chit chat yet? I haven't had a good fight in months."

"You asked for it," He morphed into an empusa, hissing and trying to claw at me. I sliced at him, narrowly missing. "You're doing pretty well, demigod."

"Sadly, you are too," I growled. I launched gracefully into the air and spun over him. I landed into the snow, the sword hilt danced over my fingers until it secured into my palm.

He paused for a second. "It's not your time demigod. Shame really, I would love to kill you," He turned and ran, the Cynocephaly following. I turned to face the twins.

"This is going to be really hard to explain, you're demigods."

Suddenly my head started pounding. Images of Annabeth handing money to a child of Hecate, then Nico squeezing Will in a quick hug and jumping into a shadow. I watched him stumble out, and saw my corpse lying on the ground. My head cleared and I looked at the girls.

"The Greek gods, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Hindu I think, they're all real. You two are daughters of a Greek God. Apollo if I'm correct. There's a camp that is a safe place for demigods."

"How are we supposed to trust you?" Nissa asked.

I sighed and crouched, looking her in the eyes. Since I left camp, my powers were easier to control. I could sense demigods, and, in theory, monsters, plus quite a few other things. I held out my hand and smoke consumed it.

"Not really an Apollo thing, kinda the opposite actually, but it does prove my point. You ready to go?"

"Yeah," Nissa collected her sister and followed me into the night.
"So if this camp is so great, why aren't you there?" Natalia asked.

"It's a great place for the right people," I limped towards the hill. We had been attacked by a manticore a day back and it got me in the leg.

"So what you're saying is, people still judge you?" Nissa snapped.

"No," I laughed. "I just happen to be a wrong person. Apollo kids are nice, you guys will love Will. He'd be your head counselor."

"Are you staying with us?"

I stopped for a moment at the base of half-blood hill. Something felt terribly wrong. "Not quite. I'll stay for a few days, visit my twin, but I have to keep moving."


I turned and smiled at Natalia. "I'm like a shark. I have to keep moving, or else I'll start having trouble keeping control. It's better for me to keep moving."

"How often do you visit?" Nissa actually seemed interested.

"Well," I sighed. This would be my first time back since I left. "I've been away for about 2 months. My twins birthday is actually tomorrow."

"Your birthday is tomorrow?"

"Not exactly. Me and Nico are this thing called twin souls. It's really confusing to literally everyone. I'll explain some other time," I said.

I began to walk up the hill. They ran through before I did. I didn't want to, something told me that I wouldn't have control if I did. I walked through, and the instant I did, my chest hurt. It was like someone was ripping out my heart and making it into glue. My vision blurred again, to show Nico battling swarm after swarm of monsters to get to my corpse. He finally killed what he thought was all of them before dropping to the ground beside the image of my dead body. Ibegan screaming and yelling to him but he couldn't hear me. A male Emposi sent a blade through his lower back. All he saw was 'my body' fade back into sand before he died in the middle of no where. A piercing wail fell from my lips as I dropped to the ground. Smoke floated off me lightly, then burst through every pore in my body. The camp was plunged into shadows. Slowly, light pushed through.

Before I could even blink, I was on Olympus, barely keeping even on my feet. "Alexis Winchester, you stand trial for killing a fellow demigod."


"Your little tempter tantrum ended in the death of Annabeth Chase," Athena growled.

"Wait, did she fully disappear? Body and everything?"

"Yes," Athena answered hesitantly.

"Well she's not dead. She's in the shadow realm, so I guess she might as well be, seeing as I'm the only one that could possibly enter it and get us both out alive."

"Get my daughter out of there, or die."

"Why would I do that? She's a murderer! My 'temper tantrum' was because she killed my twin! How dare you blame me for this."

"If you won't save her then you'll die," she stated, hefting a sword.

"Do it. Return me to my proper realm and to my brother."

"Seriously, first my brother, then you, what's with heroes almost getting killed around here?" A girl with multi-toned blue hair was pushed against the back wall. She stepped into the light. "I'd make you all apologise, but I think that would make her more pissed off. Instead, I'll be taking her somewhere you jerks won't find her. Ready Alexis?"

"Why not?" I sighed, still shaken and aching to sob.

"That's the spirit!" She grabbed my hand and we disapated into blue smoke. The smoke cleared and we were in a black marble room with a gorgeous veiw of the night sky. "You haven't slept well in to long. You should get some sleep."

Something about her voice made me even sleepier. I fell back onto the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

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