Chapter 17

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The guy jumped up "You look like death."

"Try feeling like it," I attempted to sit up."Where am I?"

"You're at in the Apollo cabin at Camp half-blood. Have you been here before?"

I could tell it wasn't Will standing over me. This kid was more muscular. "Yes. Get Will and Nico. Tell them that Lexi is in the Apollo cabin."

He ran off leaving me to try my muscles. It didn't work to well. When Will and Nico did come in I was about to vomit. Each muscle in my body felt like it had been dipped in acid. It probably had. The memories of my torture were a tad hazy. More like a highlights reel as opposed to the full game. Nico ran and hugged me. I cried out.

"I'm so sorry. You've been gone for months. Delta and I kept looking for ways in but we couldn't get past the guards. We didn't know what was happening to you."

I mumbled what I thought was 'it's okay Nico' by it came out as, "Mm'ay ni so"

I was in the infirmary for three days. For the most part I was back to normal but Will couldn't get rid of the scar that crossed my face and some other scars across my torso.

"I can't heal scar tissue. I might be able to help it fade-"

"Don't bother. I'm sick of this place. I'd rather not lengthen my stay."

"Well then you can leave. Drink plenty of fluids and get more than the 2 hours of sleep that you've been getting in here. I'll have Nico walk you to your cabin. He has been waiting to talk to you but I wouldn't let him."

Five minutes later I was walking very unsteadily to my cabin. About thirty feet away I collapsed. Nico picked me up bridal style like it was nothing.

"If Will would let me use my powers I could already be there."

"You heard Will. No shadow travel or darkness smoke. Also nothing that can cause a panic attack. Doctors orders."

Yes Nico knows about darkness smoke. My first night in the cabin I covered everything in soot and told him to leave for ten minutes. Of course he knows about darkness smoke! Nobody else did though. "I've learned to control my powers Nico. It's been three months and I couldn't make a sound. There was nothing else for me to do!"

"Yeah we're going to be talking about this whole 'trial of Hades' thing. And you making Ethan, Travis, and Percy leave with out you," He pushed open the door of the cabin.

I tried to push myself out of his arms and stand up. "Where is Percy?"

"We'll get to that. Stop squirming."

"Nico I can stand on my own!"

"No you can't. Older brothers orders."

"You're only five months older than me! And that's too the minute."

"I'm still older." I sighed and he laid me on a new bed. Above it was two shelves stacked with my favorite books.

"What's all this?"

"Piper, Will and I set up the bed and shelves for your birthday. Ethan and Travis gave me a list of your favorite books and half of them. Piper and I got the rest before she left."

I hugged him. "Thank you Neeks. You're the best."

Because I couldn't do anything else I sat in bed reading. Nico wanted to cancel his date with Will but I literally shoved him out the door before he could protest that I was using my powers. No one came to visit which was disappointing. After finishing my third book I decided that I needed to socialize even if I was under cabin arrest. I took out a prism that I had bought from the camp store before and made a rainbow. I threw in a dramacha.

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