Chapter 12

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---- POV CHANGE PERCY (mawhahaha)----

When Delta and Lexi came back up I practically tackled her.

"What were you thinking?! I promised your brother I'd look out for you and you decide to dive into the clouds! What I'd you had gotten lost?" I heard Travis and Ethan snickering behind us.

"Chill Percy. Nico knew where I was and Delta was giving directions to the twins. I'm not stupid, I wouldn't leave you guys."

"That does not excuse what you did. Where are we going?"

"You wanted the pearls right. We've been up for about 6 and a half hours," we all flew below the clouds. "Welcome to Harker Heights Texas," she sighed.

"It's okay darling. I'll be back soon. Let's go before I change my mind." She looked angry. What is this place?

She walked to the front door and took out a key strung on a chain around her neck. Maybe it was the key to the front door? She pulled it over her hair and slipped it into the lock. When she opened the door she got tackled by a giant black great dane. She smiled painfully like she was reminiscing something pleasant that was now sad.

"Down Sams,down. Good boy. Sit." Sam sat on the floor, eager to see Lexi. A cat wove between her legs. "Let's go guys. You're not getting the house tour." She said angrily.

We walked into a small room. It looked like it hadn't been entered in a while. A fine layer of dust covered everything. There was a wall covered with posters. In the center was a large square covered in fabric. There were pictures all over it off what looked like a family.

Everyone was staring at it and a single tear drifted down Lexi's face. She grabbed a photo of the family. There was a little girl hugging a man in uniform. Behind him was a woman and on his other side was another girl. Lexi shoved the photo in her pocket.

I watched her storm out of the house. I watched her pull a ratty bandanna and an envelope out of her sadle bag and put it in the mail box. She mounted Delta with silent year streaming down her face

Everyone else mounted and we left. I sat dying inside while she cried silently. I wanted to console her so much but I knew better. No one said a word until we finally landed in Utah. I never should have pushed her. Obviously it made her this upset. It was a stupid thing to do even if it helped the quest. We set up camp. Ethan and Travis dug into canned corn, granola bars and donuts. I suprised her with cupcakes in an attempt to make her happy.

"I'm not hungry. I'm going to try to find a place to Iris message Nico." She said quietly walking into the woods. I followed her so we could talk. She turned toward me. "What's wrong?" She asked obviously pissed off. I should have left but I stood my ground.

"I should be asking you that. What was that place? Why are you so upset? We got the pe-"

"It was my old house Percy. That's where I ran away from."

"So that's why you-"

"Yes, that's why I didn't want to get the pearls. Because I knew damn well where they were and I knew what would have happened if my old family had been there. I don't think I would have the ability to leave again." I really hated her cutting me off.

"Why did you run away?"

"Really, Percy? Why do you hunt monsters and go on quests? Because you have to for the good of everyone you care about."

"It's not our fault you ran away! It's not our fault that you had to leave, it was Hades!" I yelled.

"You think I don't know that? You think every gods damn scar I have gotten hasn't taught me that?! I've been running for my life since I was 13 and before that I had to drag my family with me! Do you even know how good you have it?" She yelled back.

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