He rose from the floor and met me in the kitchen as she immediately resumed her story, talking with his doll to hers. He wrapped his muscular arms around me from behind and swayed us back and forth.

"Setting a great example," I said. He kissed the top of my head, humming his question. "Letting the boys over while you're not looking."

He huffed. "Why would you tell me that?"

I chuckled, holding his veiny hands over the baby growing inside. "I was a young girl once, darlin'. We can sweet talk our way out of murder."

"I'm going to need your help," he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"With what?"

"Raising a girl."

I felt myself blush, thankful he couldn't see. "She has a great network of women in her life. Her mom, grandma, Samina, your sisters—"

"And you," he finished.

I rested my head against his shoulder, peering at him sideways. He kissed the corner of my mouth.

"What are you going to do with two girls? If we have one."

He smiled. "Hope for a miracle."

"A little sister would be fun for her," I said. "Would cutback on your doll playing time."

"Want to know the truth?" he asked.

The oven timer went off so he released his grip. I turned to stare into his beautiful blues.

"I like playing castle," he admitted.

I kissed him briefly. "I know you do. You're amazing with her."

He watched me as I stepped away to remove the dish.

"But..." he went on.

I set the macaroni on top of the stove, searching for a spoon.

"You want a boy," I said, sticking it in the noodles before looking over at him.

"How'd you know I was going to say that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, for one, I'm your wife. I know you like the back of my hand. Secondly, what man doesn't?"

He nodded, picking up the plates and following me to the table. "I'll be happy either way. Healthy is what matters."

I kissed his cheek when he leaned in front of me. "Definitely."

I walked back to the stove to retrieve the pot of hot dogs. He stepped up behind me and lowered his voice.

"I think we should tell Dulcie about the baby before we meet my parents. You know they'll slip up and say something in front of her, and she'll be confused."

I grabbed a set of tongs and turned to face him. "You want to tell her? It's pretty early though."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't we tell everyone? I can barely stop myself from telling strangers on the street."

I smiled, scratching his beard as his hands cupped my waist. His eyes were bright and sincere, and it melted my heart. "Babe, you've done this before. Most couples wait until after the first trimester. You know, in case..."

"Shh." He raised his finger to my lips. "Nothing is going to happen."

I tightly gripped his other hand, his confidence mildly calming the fears I'd sworn to keep to myself.

"Okay," I whispered. "We can tell her."

"Now?" he asked.

I stared at him, trying to read his thoughts. "You don't want to surprise her? Just straight up tell her?"

Take it From Here (Jamie Dornan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now