"No capes. No tights. No offense" Superboy sternly replies crossing his arms.

"It totally works for you," M'gann comments looking at Superboy dreamily. "In that you can totally do good work in those clothes" she awkwardly replies. I laugh. She puts on her hood, camouflages herself, and floats down to the ground. Wally, Robin, and I grapple down. We all look up the hole in the ship and see Superboy about to jump down. We jump in different directions not wanting to get smashed by Superboy's powerful jump, which created a loud noise and a big hole in the ground.

"Knew I didn't need a line" Superboy smirks.

Robin angrily replies, "And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert."

"Aqualad, drop "B" is go," M'gann says.

"Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP," Aqualad orders.

"Roger that," Robin answers looking at his computer holographic watch. We all run through the jungle and come to the edge where on the other side is a waterfall.

Superboy stops in his steps. "Did you hear that?"

"Uh, no." Wally replies. "Wait. Is this a super hearing thing?"

"You do have great ears." M'gann flirts. I smile at her weird compliment to Superboy. Someone has a little crush and I don't need any telepathic powers to know that.

"Ok, Rob, now what?" We look around us finding Robin has once again ditched us.

"Man, I hate it when he does that!" Wally and I both say at the same time. We both looked at each other weirdly and he smirks at me. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Superboy, Kid, switch to infrared," Aqualad says through our earpieces. "See if you're being tracked"

Wally puts on his goggles. "Got a squad of armed bozos incoming.

Superboy corrects him, "Two squads. But they'll meet each other before they find us." Suddenly, gun shots popped from a distance.

"No super hearing required now," Wally replies.

"Swing wide, steer clear." Aqualad instructs.

"Yeah, as soon as I find Rob," Wally says ready to run.

"Wait Flashboy" I yell running after him. I jump after him trying to stop him but we both tumble to the ground with me landing on top of him. We looked at each other's eyes in an awkward position but then look up to see men with guns pointed at us. Looks like we're in the middle of the gunfire.

"Aah! So much for the stealthy," Wally says looking at a scary man with a black and white mask pointing a gun at us.

"I'm so going to kill you for this," I say. I stand up quickly and place a forcefield around us to protect us from the gunshots.

Wally dashes and knocks out some men. I blast one of the men with a gun, jump over him, and kick the back of his legs making him fall. I then drop kick him to the ground. As I looked behind my shoulder, I see another man running towards me. I flip over and electrocute him.

Finally, Robin from the depths of the shadows appears. "What is wrong with you guys? Remember covert? Why didn't you follow my lead, vanish into the jungle?" Robin asks while kicking a guy.

"That's what you were doing? " Wally angrily asks.

"Way to fill us in, Rob," I say while punching another guy in the face.

"We're not mind readers, you know," Wally says but then looks at M'gann.

"Er, I'm not anyway."

"You told me I could only read the bad guys' minds," M'gann says to Robin.

Electric Heart (Kid Flash X OC)Where stories live. Discover now