"I haven't finished this one yet," I protest as he offers me one of them. He chuckles, setting his new cup down and taking my old one, gulping down the last bit before handing me the new one and picking up his.

"This one is better, trust me," he says. I accept it, taking a sip to make him happy. It tasted the same to me but I wasn't going to tell him that. For the next ten minutes or so we stand there, talking with them when I feel Mark's arm slip around my waist and he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he asks. I nod my head with a grin. It would be the perfect opportunity to talk one-on-one and get to know each other. We give a quick goodbye to everyone before he leads me up the basement stairs with a small hand on my back. Up here it was a lot quieter, with just a handful of people wandering the halls.

"This used to be the religion building. Did you know that? Back when they had religious studies here." he says after a moment. I can't help but giggle at the idea of excessive drinking and partying being done in a building dedicated to religion. "They keep saying they're going to start using it again, but they haven't done so yet. It's been empty since before my brother even went here." I nod, taking another drink from the cup. I could feel my head starting to spin but that didn't make sense. I'd only had a drink and a half. I shouldn't be affected this much. As we're walking, I realize we're not randomly walking around, but he's leading me in a certain direction. He must know a good place to sit and talk, I vaguely think. That'd be nice. I was starting to stumble and didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him. He opens a door and I step through finding we're in the old teachers lounge. Man they really had it nice here. Couches and a small kitchen in the corner. I go to set the cup on the coffee table, but it tips over.

"Shit..." I mutter as the liquid pours out. He chuckles, pulling me back down onto the couch when I move to go see if the kitchen had any towels or napkins in it still.

"Don't worry about it," he hums his lips moving to my neck. Butterflies fill my stomach and I push him away with a laugh. I was flattered that he liked me so much. "C'mon babe," he chuckles moving his hands to my side, slowly pushing me down onto the couch, his lips moving back to my neck.

"C'mon Mark. Stop." I say with a grin, pushing against his chest as he hovers over me. I was only a freshman. What's more, still a virgin. I wanted my first time to be special, not while drunk. Instead of pulling back, his hand slips under my shirt and the smile starts to fall from my lips. By now my head was spinning madly. Things were hardly staying focused at all. "Mark," I protest as his hands move over my chest. I attempt to pull my shirt back down to stop him from feeling around, but he takes both of my hands in one of his, holding them above my head. "Mark," I say trying to squirm away as he grinds against me, growing hard through his jeans.

"Shhh baby. Just relax. Let me take care of you," he purrs. It gets harder and harder to resist, my limbs growing heavier and heavier. Soon enough he lets go of my arms but they're too heavy to fight back. All I can do is lay there as his hands move down, unzipping my pants and pulling them down to my knees. "That's right sweetness. I'll take care of everything," he breathes against my skin. I keep my eyes trained on the ceiling, lips tightly closed and attempting to hold back the tears as I hear him unzip his pants and feel the sharp pain of him entering me. It seems to last forever, but finally he finishes and pulls out. "There's a good girl," he says soothingly, petting my hair as his arms wrap around me, pinning me under him. Soon the sound of his snoring fills the air and still I keep my eyes locked on the ceiling until finally the darkness pulls me under.

When I wake in the morning, I don't know where I am and it scares me. Did I really get that drunk last night? What ever happened with the date? My jeans are around my ankles and I hastily tug them back up, wincing as pain explodes in my crotch. It felt like I'd been punched a dozen times. I miss the button hole a couple times, my hands were trembling so badly. I couldn't remember anything last night from after Mark asked to go for a walk. Had I made a fool out of myself and he'd left me? I don't remember being that drunk at all. As I walk out, there's one or two people still here, passed out in halls, one with vomit next to her. I strained to remember what happened as I walked back to the dorm, but I only got the briefest of flashes. It wasn't until I get back to my dorm and open my door that it hits me like a brick. The memories were still just snatches, but I saw him hovering over me. Pushing into me. The weight of him as he fell asleep on top of me. My legs collapse under me and my arms lock around me as I curl up on the ground. I begin to hyperventilate, holding a hand over my mouth so I don't make a sound. It takes me twenty more minutes before I manage to make myself crawl into the en-suite bathroom and get into the shower. I rub my skin raw but it still feels dirty. I couldn't get the feel of him off my skin no matter how hard I scrubbed. I stay in there until the water goes cold and I begin shivering. Finally, a part of my brain recognizes that I'm going to get sick if I stay there any longer and I get out, crawling into my bed. I'd just gotten up two hours ago, but I was overwhelmed and just needed to sleep and forget.

"Heyyy where've you been?? You missed dinner, have you been sleeping all day?" Anna asks, bursting into my room. I fight back the memories and the sense of panic as she flops down in my desk chair. "So you and Mark huh?" she asks wriggling her eyebrows with a grin. "I heard you had a good time," she hints not so subtly.

"I-I-" I choke. I needed to tell her the truth. I needed to tell somebody what happened. "I didn't want it. He forced me," I manage to whisper. Her grin slips as she comprehends what I’m saying, but instead of the concerned look I was hoping for or for her to tell me what to do now. To tell me I should tell someone, her eyes harden.

"No he didn’t," she says firmly. "You can't go spreading rumors like that. We've got playoff championships next week and if you start telling people that crap he's going to be expelled. The whole school will blame you."

"Anna he--" I start saying but she cuts me off again.

"Did you tell him no?" she asks and I strain to remember what happened. Had I ever actually said no? "Exactly," she says when I don't respond. She was right. I hadn't said no. I'd let it happen. I didn't say anything, but even still, rumors circulated around the school. I guess that's what happens at places like this. Everyone knew me as the girl who had sex with Mark. They thought I was a slut who had gotten scared of what everyone else would think and decided to call it rape. By the end of the week, no one would talk to me. The cool kids had abandoned me and not even the freshman losers would talk to me. Another week later and my Dad got a call from the school headmaster saying that I wasn't getting along with my classmates and he didn't think this place was a good fit for me. I was expelled from my first school.


“The rumors followed me to every school.” I say dully, feeling beyond exhausted as I was forced to relive the memories I’d suppressed for so long. “My dad was only a senator then, but he had his ambitions so he was angry beyond belief when he heard I was expelled. Wouldn’t even listen to me before I was shipped off to a new school. I became known as a slut. It was awful, but what was even worse was how I felt about myself. I didn’t tell anyone after Anna. No one would believe me anyways. But I swore I wouldn’t become that girl. The one who was afraid of her own shadow. So instead I became what they all thought I was. If they thought I was a slut, I’d become  one. I acted like the  over-the-top party animal because it meant no one would give me a second thought. They thought I was just a shallow bitch and would leave me alone.” My words finally trail off and I have nothing left in me. He looks like he wants to kill someone. He spins on his heel and jumps back on his ATV.

“Liam,” I call, hating myself for the patheticness of my tone, but he doesn't listen as he guns the engine and heading back into the woods. I clamp a hand over my mouth to stifle the cry and slide down against the nearest tree. He was disgusted with me. I could tell. Or he agreed with Anna and thought I’d asked for it. Eventually, Niall and Zayn return, both of them jumping off when they see me crumpled against the tree.

“Is everything alright? What happened?” Where’s the ATV?” they ask. I manage to tell them about the broken vehicle and they seem to think that’s why I was so upset and I let them think so as they assure me I wouldn’t get into trouble and they'd take the blame. Zayn tells Paul he’d broken it when we’re back and one of the rental guys is sent out to get the ATV. He keeps an arm around me, rubbing my arm soothingly as I wrap my arms around myself and keep my head down. Soon everyone is back besides Liam. Paul is getting antsy so he sends us all back to the hotel while he waited for Liam. As soon as I get back, I ditch the group and lock myself into my room again. That dirty feeling crawls up my spine until my skin feels like it’s crawling with invisible bugs. I climb into the  shower and turn on the water, fully clothed, as I pull my knees up to the chest and sit in the corner.


Well there you have it. Elodie's story. What do you think?

Also, check out the fantastic cover that genedirectioner made for this! It's posted on the side.

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