Chapter 23 - Alexander Hamilton

Start from the beginning

I sighed, "she thinks a little persuasion can change Hunter's mind about me I guess." I looked down from the balcony a smiled a little, "I don't think it's going too well for her though."

Erica walked over and looked as well, "He doesn't seem to be interested at all."

Elie went to my other side and chuckled, "I never thought that the day would come when I saw Hunter actually uninterested in a woman. He's handling himself quite well, I'm proud of him."

Becca cleared her throat and we all turned around, "are we still going to do it?"

"The plan never changed," Erica said walking over to her. "We're still pranking her."

I arched an eyebrow, "what exactly are we doing?" Erica smirked and pulled a bucket out from under the D.J booth and my eyes widened when I saw the contents, "Is that..."

"Don't worry, It's just vanilla yogurt dyed red," Elie said walking over to help Erica.

"That's exactly why I'm worried," I said. "Tiffany is wearing a white dress." I waited for Either of them to say anything but they didn't. Instead, they both just had a smile and an evil glint in their eyes. My eyes widened, "You are NOT going to pour that onto her."

"Oh yes we are," Erica answered. "She's been the queen bee way to long and her head is so far stuck up her ass that everything she says is just completely and utterly shit. It's time she's learnt a lesson."

"This isn't right," I said. "Isn't there another way to get some revenge without having to humiliate her?"

"She's been humiliating people ever since she came out of her mother's womb," Elie scoffed. "She was the biggest bully in high school and considering the news that has been in the magazines lately, you seem to be one of her most recent victims."

"That still doesn't mean that we have to get revenge on her." Sure, she was a bitch at times and she probably had been for God knows how long but it didn't mean that we had to do the same thing as she was doing, which was bullying her back.

Becca came over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Payton, you are too nice for your own good, live a little."

"Why not wait for karma to hit her?" I asked.

"This is karma," Erica answered looking over the balcony, looking for where to aim. "Oh, this is definitely a great spot, we're basically right under them."

My eyes widened, "wait, you're going to hit Hunter as well."

"Did I say that this prank was solely for Tiffany?" Erica asked turning around to look at me as we all nodded and she laughed. "Oh, she isn't that special. This is also a way to get back Hunter."

"B-but, Hunter's your brother?"

"Still doesn't mean that we can't play jokes on each other, siblings always play jokes on each other."

I blinked, "They do?"

Becca chuckled, "well these siblings do."

Erica smiled and came over to me, "and you're part of this family now."

"I am?"

"Of course you are!" Erica laughed, "Although I haven't known you for a long time, I like you Payton, I like you a lot. You're like a sister I've never had and whether or not you're you share the same last name as me, you'll always be like my family."

I smiled, "I've never had a sister before."

Erica hugged me, "well you do now, well as long as you're on my side."

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