"Yeah." Achilles slumped against the wall.

"Wow," Victor too sat beside him.

"What's with this wow?" Achilles elbowed him in the stomach.

"That hurts." He massaged his stomach. "It's not like you kiss girls daily and on top of that when you sister is sick. Of course, I will be surprised about that."

"Yeah I feel guilty about that too."

"Don't worry about Manya. She is okay now." Victor was too curious about what exactly happened but was afraid that his curiosity might get him in trouble with Achilles. He was whistling to divert his mind. However, Achilles knew him well enough.

"Just ask don't torture yourself,"

"Okay then. What happened exactly?"

Achilles fill in the all the details he missed the first time.

"Mom should hear this," Victor asked.

"If I heard anything about this anywhere then Victor you are dead."

"I know the deal. You do not have to remind me so often. Still, you kissed her. So you do like her"

"She kissed me first, I just went with the flow," Achilles tried to get away.

"With the flow or overflow?" Victor mocked him.

"Do you have a death wish?" Achilles glared at him. Achilles got up, took out a bottle of water and dumped it over his head, washing away dried blood off his face. He wiped off the rest with the hand towel.

"You look more like a human now. But I don't think so Mom will be happy about the mess you left in her kitchen." Victor got up too and dumped his empty bottle.

"I will clean it before she woke up," Achilles replied.

"I am just messing up with you."

"I know."

"Then why are you so serious?"

"I just had a bad day today. Leave this. Tell me how did it go over here?"

"Brutus girlfriend was behind this. I haven't done much of chatting with her. She is on house arrest today. You can deal with her tomorrow."

"Summon her first thing in the morning. I am heading to take shower. I will see you tomorrow." Achilles looks distracted and disturbed.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Hey Vic, do you think it can be what Eve suggested."

"That true mate thing. What's up, Achilles? Why are you thinking about that?"

"I don't know. But when I kissed her I felt something weird."

"What weird?"

"I felt like I am born to be with her me and my wolf both had the feeling of satisfaction like we found something on which our life depend. And the strangest thing is that I somehow knew her touch as if we were once together. I know it's strange that why I want to think about all option even if they sound fictional."

"Well, we are the werewolf. How can there be something more fictional than us? If you want then definitely we can look into this true mate stuff more?"

"I am off now,"

"Are you are going to sleep with her? I mean it's not like anything is wrong with it but it's too fast for the girl who just fainted after kissing you."

"I am not sleeping with her. I am just going to shower in my bathroom. If you spend even the half of the time you spends irritating me, with Eve, you would have already completed your mating by now. So stop irritating me and work on your mating."

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