Chapter 10: On The Hunt (revised)

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(revised by: negan1234)

Negan and his boys rolled up to see a broken down bike. Negan stopped his bike as well as dwight and simon. Negan slowly went over to the bike seeing the blood stain on the bike as well as the pavement. Negans hands slowly curled into fists. "So..This fucker wants to play hide and seek... We're on the hunt boys. Start searching for signs.. blood, footprints, bullets.. anything.. This fucker decided to put cracks in what's mine... So we're going to but dents in this lil shits skull.. GET TO IT." Negan watch his boys disperse as he himself looked around finding sniper shells in the brush. He licked the inside of his cheek only to hear simon yell. Negan stood going over. "well.. Whatcha got." Simon pointed to the ground. "bloody footprint.. Its leading into the brush... There's a clearing out there near a stream.. There have bound to have taken her there." Negan Nodded. "good... let's go." It was then the crack of thunder roared through the sky. Fitting for the current situation.

The boys followed negan to the stream, However no one was to be seen, however on the ground was another small puddle of blood. He cursed under his breath and looked to see a walker reaching for him stuck in the mud of the stream. Negan stared at the walker and with a blind fury swung his bat down cracking against the walker's skull. Over and over he swung down until it was mush. He cracked his neck looking as seeing foot prints leading to the right. He looked to the boys and nodded in the right direction and continued to lead the way. Blood dripped off lucille. "ya know something boys.. I don't think lucille's been this fucking thirsty in years. " He grinned with a hint of anger in his face. "I can't wait to let her drink.." He laughed angrily as the boys nodded.

After about an hour they stumbled across and old farming shed as rain poured down over them Negan held the bat tight. He saw a man standing outside the shut doors smoking a cigarette. Negan smiled walking up. "excuse me mister were lost.. you see im looking for someone. And we got caught in the rain" The male rolled his eyes. "get out of here old man." Negan kept his smile and turned to dwight and simon. "looks like we're shelterless again tonight boys.." He quickly turned cracking lucile against the man's skull watching him fall. With a swift kick negan kicked the door open and yelled. " OH MAURICE I'M HOOOME!" A gang of men aimed their guns at negan and his boys as maurice peeked out from the 2nd floor of the shed standing above them all. "well hello there.. here for something." Negan aimed his bat smiling . "im here for what's mine. Bianca and your blood!" Maurice smiled as he turned picking up bianca by her hair. " you mean this.. Don't worry she's not dead.. lost some blood so she's passed out.." Maurice grinned. "she's a fighter though isn't she.. Why don't you put the bat down.. we fight hand to hand.. eh buddy." Negan handed his bat to dwight cracking his neck.. "get down here then... id love to dance." Maurice jumped down and stood in front of negan smiling. "oh yes.. let's.."

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