Chapter 4: Who Are you(revised)

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(revised by: negan1234)

Bianca sat there in thought as she rubbed her wrists after negan cut her loose. Negan poured them a drink. "Well missy, tell me who ya are. Yer name, yer background the whole hulla-Fucking-balooo." Negan smirked eyeing her. She looked up tense. "I dont think thats a good plan.. after all you'd end up learning my weaknesses, and frankly that's not a wise course of action." Negan looked offended. "woha woha missy, i ain't gonna use what you tell me against ya. This is a... safe place. Long as you don't fucking screw up." Bianca simply chuckled a bit and rubbed her palms. 

She let out a deep breath. "ok well i was born in arizona in 1979. Uhm After i was two years old.. my mom left me an my dad for some other guy.. i never saw her again but you don't really gain attachment at 2.. so oh well.. Anyway my dad and i were against the world... " Bianca nodded and drank the alcohol. "we were homeless for a time but we made do. He made it fun. He met a woman named Marsha... she was.. a slut .. cheated on my dad but he loved her and she was a wealthy girl.. She had 3 sons which fucking beat me to fucking shit any chance they got. One even kicked me off the roof.. i suffered a broken leg and 2 broken ribs." Negan raised his brows "Well fucking A, those boys sound like real dicks." Bianca shrugged. "That's why boys have em." she joked causing negan to chuckle as she resumed her story. " i learned to fight and eventually those bastards were scared of me. Fuck i entered a room and they shut their mouths up." she began to laugh. "i got to highschool and decided for a job i was interested in medical stuff. But.. i ended up dropping out but, i studied medical books but i slowly got in more fights with my skank of a step mom. it was after my dad passed away that i kicked her fucking ass and left at 18." She finished the glass and licked her lips. "did odd jobs here and there. Automotive place, retail till.. i my ex maurice... He was.. charming handsome.. funny.. Everything a girl looks for.. i should've looked for trust... We got together but.. he always thought i was shady.. treated me like i was a slut, even though i only slept with him. It was only when he wanted.. I could never get off so id.. finish the job myself.. anyway.. one day i.. get knocked up." Bianca looked at the empty glass. Negans face was serious however became more tense. "go on." he encouraged. She sighed slightly. "it was gonna be a girl.. i couldn't tell him until it was too late to get an abortion.. but.. i remember the first ultrasound.. This sweet lil girl.. wiggling around.. she was beautiful.. I was gonna name her Anna." Tears started to welt up slightly. "i..i went home.. and decided to tell maurice.. heh... i..i wanted him to know... i thought he'd change... instead he called me a stupid fucking slut.. a cum dump.. and pushed me down the apartment stairs... the baby was killed and my uterus was far to damaged.. a woman i knew came in and saw me. She was like a mom to me.. she took me to the hospital where.. they.. took out my baby and my uterus..." she felt cold tears run down her face as negan watched her almost tough demeanor crumble but reform into a fury that even sent chills down his spine. " i swore if i saw maurice.. i'd fucking destroy him.. smash him like he smashed my baby.. and even that will be to good."  

Negan smiled. "you got a fire missy.. I fucking love that.. That's why.. i want you to work for me.. You'd take care of  a fucking lot i'm sure.. so... I need you to go on a mission with dwight.. and how about i send my men to possibly look for this fucking cunt maurice assuming hes still alive.." She looked up confused. "why are doing this.. no why should i trust you." Negan remained his gaze on her. "Cause i'm afraid you got no choice." He grinned staring into her eyes as she felt her stomach turn but nodded slowly waiting for his orders.

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