Chapter 1: Hello beautiful (Revised)

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(edited and revised by: negan1234 

Birds chirped as the sun rose through the trees and shined into a broken down car's window onto Bianca's tan skin and flinching eyes. She scrunched her nose, her eyes opening weakly as she stared at the roof of the car. she slowly sat up in the backseat, running her hand through her hair letting out a breath. she reached into the front seat grabbing the white shirt as well as a pocket knife and placing it behind the back straps of her bra, soon pulling on the white shirt. she reached into the passenger seat grabbing her shot gun and pistol. she then sat forward pulling on her black boots. She stepped out of the car and stretched groaning softly and looked around and began to walk away from the car along the road humming to herself. She hummed Bang bang by Nancy Sinatra occasionally singing out. "bang bang he shot me down..."

She continued to walk having been walking an hour. she let out a groan. " i coulda sworn this gas station was closer..." she shook her head. "then again i was driving a truck.. damn that P.o.s for crapping on me." She continued to mumble to herself. It was the only one she could talk to, was herself, after all since this all began god knows how long ago, she's had only herself. she continued to walk but slowed down hearing men's voices get louder as she got closer. She quickly hid behind a tree peeking out eyeing the heavy leathered men. One was a fat looking man and the other a scrawny little chicken shit. She knew this kind. She had been sneaking things from these mens motorcycle bags occasionally fighting one or two of them however the fat one looked to big to tussle with but she remained to listen to their plan. The spoke of the items they got from the gas station, which annoyed her. The fuck, that was her looting spot.. she even marked it.. then again she was just one girl since when are 2 grown ass men gonna listen to a tiny lady, however, she remained annoyed as she listened to them. The scrawny one spoke. "Negans gon' be pleased to see what we got." She blinked. Now that's a new name.. Negan... she starred off for a moment only for it to be broken by the sound of growling. she looked behind her to see a bloody corpse walking and hissing for her flesh. She tensed smashing it with the handle of her hand gun. It hissed as it fell back, the tussle however was loud enough to get the attention of the scrawny man and the fat boulder to be standing behind her. She slowly turned her head seeing them eye her. "..ahh.. No habla ingles.. eheh "The men looked at each other and started to walk towards her. She knew they were foe, and not friend. So instead of wasting time she kicked the scrawny men back onto his elbows and leaping off his chest only for her hair to be yanked by the fat one. "AYEEE!" she swung her fist to punch him however was thrown to the ground. She coughed looking up, she slowly stood eyeing these men. "..ok..." she pointed her pistol at them to which the fat one grabbed her wrist and squeezed tightly making her cry out. scrawny picked up the gun that fell. "hey.. this was the gun that was stolen from Ron.. yer that lil thief that we've been dealing with for months ain't ya cunt!!" She however remained silent glaring. Scrawny looked to fatso and nodded. "tie her and put her on my back I'm phoning this to negan." the fatty did as he was told pinning her to the tree as she yelled in Spanish as he proceeded. scrawny pulled out the walkie talkie and spoke. "sir.. we found that thief... should we bring her down." he unclicked the button as a voice sounded on the other end. "Go on then boys, i feel like exterminating a lil rat." scrawny replied. "10/4 over and out." he put his walkie talkie away getting on his bike alongside fatty Bianca thrown over the back on the bike as they drove off to what was known as the sanctuary.

Once they arrived scrawny made Bianca stand placing a tweed bag over her head as he proceeded to yank her inside. She listened to the sound around her as she was dragged into a room with a single light and was forced to kneel down. She sighed. "ya know i should at least get a phone call mister." she quipped with no answer. She heard the door open and shut as she tried to get out of the zipties. It felt like ages till she heard the door open and close once more. She sighed. "ok ok let me guess.. good cop bad cop.." The bag was then taken off her head as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. she slowly looked up to a tall man wearing black boots, jeans, a leather jacket, a red scarf. The man held a bat with barbed wire as a grin came to his charming bearded faced. "Hola beautiful." She stared up to him tense. " Im Negan."

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