Chapter 8: Puta (revised)

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(revised by negan1234)

Days came to pass as Bianca continued simple recon. She remained however in negans room no matter what and negan wouldn't have it any other way. She sat on the bed strapping her boots as negan walked into the room. "So guess where you're going today" He grinned sinfully. She however didn't look up as she strapped a gun holster to her thigh. "Enlighten me negan" She looked up to him. "where?" She smiled walking past  him to snag her bra of the chair, negans eyes following her shirtless form. "we, my hot tamale, are going to alexandria, i'd like you to meet my lil buddy Rick." She adjusted her breasts within the black padding of her bra. " is that the guy you told me about. The one you had to give a wake up call." she looked to him pulling on her white tank top. Negan snapped. " Right on the fucking nose baby. i thought i'd like to show you off, to know who else they should listen to." He grinned placing his hands on her curvaceous hips leaning to kiss her neck only to feel her pull away to pull her hair into a ponytail. "meh why not, i got nothing better to do." Negan slicked his hair back, Bianca handing him his legendary black leather jacket. Bianca looked to his eyes and grinned. " don't keep me waiting." Negan licked his  teeth grinning wide. "never." She smiled putting on her own jacket putting her pistol in the holster heading down to the vehicles. Negan soon followed after placing lucille on his shoulder as he walked after her. 

After a moment they were in their vehicles diving down the road to Alexandria. Bianca sat on negans bike her arms firmly around him holding lucille tightly. She looked up to see tall standing gates. The vehicles stopped as Negan stood off the bike taking lucille from Bianca and went up to the gates smacking the bat on the gate. "HONEY I'M HOME!" Bianca watched him as negan signaled for her to stand next to him. She then stood next to him seeing the gate open. She looked whom opened the gate as Negan grinned. " Well Hey there rick! Mind letting us in." Rick tensed and looked at bianca then at negan and went to open the gate. Once open he stood in front of negan staring at his grin. "Good to fucking see ya rick." Negan walked in along side bianca. "fuck, where are my manners, rick Meet bianca ramirez. She's gonna be accompanying me on our little trips here." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders grinning. Rick looked to her tense as she held out her hand grinning politely. Negans smile somewhat faded. "rick... dont be fucking rude.. shake her hand."  Rick tensed and shook bianca's hand. She smiled. "nice to meet you rick... ittle be a pleasure working with you." Negan smiled and snapped as the boys got to work and began to do their work.. including daryl. Negan walked with rick grinning  Bianca watching everything. "so Rick, i gotta say i'm impressed." Bianca smiled but rick just looked up and nodded. Bianca looked confused. "what nothing to say.. excuse me..that's rude..." she glared as negan stepped back to let her settle this. "rick i compliment you.. and you say nothing.. fuck that's rude... you say thank you.. got it." Rick looked to her eyes and nodded. "my apologies.. thank you." he said in a gruff tone. She smiled and roughly pat his shoulder. "you are welcome mr. rick." She looked to negan. "i'm going to do a lil exploring ok negan." Negan nodded and winked. "have fun ill meet up with you." she nodded and headed off.

Bianca looked around seeing a woman gearing up to leave. She went over raising her brow. "uhm lil miss if you're looking to try and get more stuff you're a lil too late." The woman glared from the rim of her hat. " i'm leaving to help dwight don't try giving me different contradicting orders, take it up with him." Bianca Crossed her arms. "well excuse me lil lady , i don't care for that tone." The woman glared. "well tough luck Puta." Biancas eyes wen dark. "excuse me." The woman stood tall. "puta.." Bianca snarled and began to cuss her out in spanish the woman returning in the cusswords. Rick and negan soon made their way up rick's eyes widening"Rosita!". Rick decided to go try and stop them however Negan held his bat out in front of rick. "let the ladies work it out." Negan watched smirking listening to the spanish cuss words. No One could understand a lick of what they were saying, but.. it sounded angry. After a moment Rosita stopped her eyes shocked. Bianca glared. "call me puta again oo i dare you." She stared deep into rositas eyes her stance tense... Negan laughed. "Well hot damn! I have no fucking clue what was said, but my boner sure doesn't fucking care!" Rick kept his gaze on rosita in tense fear. Bianca pulled away and went over to negan. Negan wrapped his claiming arm around her waist. " I think were done here rick. It was good to see ya. Ill be back in a week, next time have more pickings.. and more respect eh." He smiled leaving with bianca as she looked back at rick and rosita.

Day soon came to a close and negan put away some of the liquor they found in his cabinet. "whew what a day eh! but look at all the shit we got." Bianca brushed her hair and nodded. "That fucking bitch.. i shoulda kicked her ass." She growled as negan chuckled. "Damn, remind me to never piss ya off." Bianca walked out taking her tanktop off and setting it on the chair. "can do." Negan stood straight grinning at the view before him. "gotta say.. i like you cursing in about.. i get you to repeat those words eh." He placed his hands on her hips looking into her eyes. She shook her head. "..i suppose i can teach you a few words" she reached behind herself unclasping her bra negan watching as it fell to the ground. "just be a good student.. and pay attention~"

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