Chapter 5: Deadly is an Understatement(revised)

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(revised by: negan1234)

Before Bianca knew it, she was in front of dwight who gave her a look over then looked at negan. "Her.. are ya sure she's.. tough enough for this." Negan grinned chuckling. "common dwight i'm a glass half full kinda guy and i fucking know she is qualified for this shit. Don't doubt my choices." Negan roughly pat dwight's back looking at bianca alongside him. She sighed. "lets just get this over with." Negan laughed. "see now that's what i like to see, eagerness. That fire right there is just what fills my chest the fuck up with a good fucking feeling. now get to it." Negan left looking in bianca's eyes as if to instate a feeling of not to fail him. Dwight gave bianca her pocket knife and a pistol as well as a spare magazine. "don't slow me down girly.. negan may like you around, but thats only cause you're pretty.. and pretty girls don't last in his world.." She glared. "ive obviously survived this long." Dwight glared. "it aint about surviving lil miss bitch! its about making negan happy.." She sighed. "what because he's so 'deadly'.." Dwight got close to her glaring. "deadly is an understatement." She looked back in Dwights eyes remaining tall and brave. "then lets make him happy." She smirked roughly bumping into his shoulder with her own heading out to the bikes. Once dwight saw this he followed after grabbing her wrist. "oh no, you don't get to have your bike yet. that's way beyond you. were taking my bike and you can ride bitch seat." She snorted and saw him get on his bike. She climbed behind him but held the bike refusing to hold him. It was then he drove off to the recon point. 

Dwight stopped the bike climbing off along with her. "we need a good hiding point. Apparently there's been people sighted around here. We're gonna see if they got shit for us to take." Bianca looked at dwight almost questioning. "why their stuff." Dwight groaned. "cause it now belongs to negan.. get it.. everything when it interests him belongs to him. The bike belongs to him. i belong to him.. and so do you." She tensed slightly. "excuse me i don't belong to shit." Dwight went towards the bushes to hide his bike. " you do now." She looked to dwight and sighed going over to a tree and kicking it to assure its sturdy. She then proceeded to climb into it almost catlike and balanced on a branch keeping hidden in the leaves. Dwight hid in the brush. It was up to hours till they heard voices coming close. Bianca lifted her head seeing 2 men carrying a deer and a handful of rodents. They talked about getting back to a woman called.. mama? Either way dwight walked out smiling. "gentlemen.. good to see ya.. lookit what you have here. Ill happily take that to negan for ya." The men looked confused. "who the fuck is negan" Dwights smile disappeared. " we all are negan.. hand the shit over and take us to your camp.. it belongs to negan now." The man soon shoved dwight. "fuck you string bean burnt ass fuck!" Dwight snarled swinging his fist contacting with the mans face. Bianca watched and waited until she soon saw the other male pull out a gun. She soon aimed her own pistol shooting through the male's hand and jumping down keeping aimed. " i recommend not struggling boys." all 3 brawling men looked to her as dwight glared. "i can handle t-" Bianca spoke. "shut the fuck up dwight." The enemy males looked her up and down smirking dropping dwight to the asphalt. "well aren't you a pretty lil thing.. we ain't seen any other women since mama" They began to circle her body licking their lips. 

She sighed annoyed glaring forward. one of the men put their hand on her shoulder. " why don't you come back with us sweetie.. we'll make you feel reaaal good." She smiled turning her head. " oh honey.. i'm afraid i dont fuck the dead.." The man looked confused as she took his arm and snapping it against her shoulder. She then spun him to make him hit a tree. The other male went charging as she kicked his chest and as he bent over she kneed his head. making him fall back. The male with a broken arm came running at her. She then grabbed his hair and yanking him to the ground scalping him slightly. in her hand she held a good chunk of hair and bloody flesh. He writhed on the ground as the other came running at her an tackling her to the ground punching her. She quickly flipped him onto his back punching as making him eat the hair to choke. She stood quickly flipping him onto his chest as he struggled to breathe. She then began to stomp on his head over and over under he was no longer breathing and his skull was a bloody mess. She looked over to the scalped one still writhing in pain. She licked her lips slightly going over and yanking him up by his shirt. " i recommend you tell us what we know... before you become yer brother over there.. got it." He nodded as she shoved him a gun to his head. "get moving." Dwight looked at her in disbelief. He then stood and followed bianca whom followed the scalped brother to their camp. Bianca observed the trashed bloody camp and on a stomp sat a dead decomposing woman.. this must've been.. mama.. At the corpse's feet sat what looks like offerings. Weapons food and jewelery.. She looked at the brother disgusted but began to gather things alongside dwight as the brother cried as the offerings were took as well as some other things. 

Dwight looked at the scalped brother. " thank you for your cooperation" It was then dwight shot the male in the head. Biancas eyes grew wide. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL THE BASTARD." Dwight carried the things to the saddlebags of the bike. " he was gonna die anyway i was putting him out of his misery. lets go." bianca glared but followed but heard the scalped corpse growel. She turned and saw dwight about to start the bike. The now alive walker came charging at her only for her to stab it in the head. She watched it fall dead after yanking the blade from its skull. Dwight growled. "COMMON NEGANS WAITING" She walked out glaring. " wow thanks you're soooo helpful." She spat sarcastically. Dwight grinned. "common then" She sighed going over putting her things she gathered in the saddle bags and climbed in bitch seat, and rode off back to the sanctuary." 

The two of them once home walked in as other took things from the saddle bags as Negan smiled. "theres my recon group. How was it bianca." She looked into negans eyes. "piece of cake.. where's a shower. or somewhere i can wash up." Negan licked his teeth smiling. "my room. i'll meet ya there.. we have to discuss this maurice bastard thoroughly, if we're ever gonna find this stupid fuck." Bianca nodded and walked off as negan looked to dwight. " so dwight, how was our lil deadly tamale." Dwight sighed and looked up to negan. "deadly.. is an understatement." 

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