Chapter 2: Speak when spoken to(revised)

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(revision by: negan1234)

Negan stared down at the woman whom glared into eyes with such a hateful flame. "Well, i said my name. You should at least say yours missy.. it's polite.." She remained silent as she glared up at Negan still refusing to move. However the way she eyed him was like a cobra eyeing its victim preparing to strike. He could see the fury in this woman's eyes, and he can admit that this, was a turn on for him. However he had a rep to uphold. "lady you're really starting to get me wrilly here" He slowly squatted down to her eye level looking in her eyes returning the same cobra esque look. "i only have a few rules.. and so far you've managed to break at least 3. So i recommend you start following em... or i'm gonna have to turn that pretty fucking face into dog food. and i don't think neither of us want that. so... Speak when youre fucking spoken to!" Negan kept his composure as bianca raised her brow. Slowly she tilted her head to the side and spoke. "how am i supposed to know the rules.. if no one ever told me them mm?" Negan grinned. "She speaks! Fucking A here i thought you were one of those mute fucknuts." He stood eventually placing lucille on his shoulders. " and rules i have are common courtesy in this fuck hole we call a world now." She chuckled. "if you can tell this world his entirely new, new world, new rules, which again were never told to me." He laugh loudly shaking his head. "well hot fucking damn, you're as sharp as a damn whip!" He exclaimed. "ok fine. Ill tell you my rules lil miss, if you tell me your fucking name" Bianca sighed. " my name Is Bianca Ramirez" Negan whistled a smirk forming on his lips. "hot damn you sound like a playboy model." bianca rolled her eyes but looked back to him. 

Negan began to to circle her. "alright, you wanted rules right. well Rule number 1 and this is the most golden. Don't fucking piss me off now there are ways to piss me off, which are the other rules.. got it." She nodded as negan continued. "don't take what doesn't belong to you, if scrawny here took your shirt or fucked your ass why id be pissed at him cause he took what doesn't belong to him. Rule number 3, You speak when you are spoken to" negan grunted. " its just common courtesy. Rule number 4. Dont ever AND I MEAN EVER disrespect me, or my lucille here. When you disrespect lucille .. she gets thirsty." He slowly lifted her chin with the bat. " and it takes a lot to quench my lil vampire bat.. got it." Bianca nodded in compliance. Negan licked his teeth grinning. " you'll learn the rest.. now..I like you.. if you say sorry for what you did.. my boys wont throw you in a cell and feed ya dog food, and you lil miss could work for me, like a good lil fucking champ i'm assured you can be." She tensed and glared but eyed lucille.. she didnt have a lot of choices.. She began to swallow her bitter tasting pride and looked up. "i-im.. s-sorry." She croaked panting after saying it. "WELL GOD DAMN YOU'RE A FAST LEARNER LIL MISS. Take her to my office, we'll discuss what she's gotta do once i get there." She was then yanked up by fatso and scrawny her eyes never leaving Negans smile. "see ya real fucking soon, Hot tamale."

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