{Mute} Chapt. 19

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I woke up a few hours after my procedure. I was still in my demon form, like Azazel instructed me. I went into the bathroom and saw that my wing was reattached. I was happy and filled with joy. "Misaki, are you awake?" Cerberus whispered as I heard her open my door slightly.

I went back to my room and smiled at her. "Misaki, your wing... It's reattached! And you look beautiful!" Cerberus said in amazement. "Thank you, Cerberus." I said, smiling before heading to the living room.

I spotted my brother drinking a small barrel of sake as he sat on the couch. "You're awake. How do you feel?" He asked me. "Better, and well refreshed." I answered. I got on top of him and laid my head on his chest.

"Is something wrong?" Azazel asked me. "I was just wondering when I'll be able to fly again." I said emotionlessly. "It's going to be a while. At least a week." He said. "OK." I closed my eyes as I listened to my brother's heartbeat.

"How are you feeling, Misaki?" Father asked as he walked in the room. "Refreshed, but my back hurts." I answered. "It's going to be like that for a while, so take it easy." Father advised. "Yes, Father." I replied.

I was wondering what Sakura was doing right now. I want to see her again. Hopefully, she'll use the key I gave her really soon. "Father,"

"Yes, my child."

"Where's Mother?"

Fatehr quickly grew silent. "Your mother died in the war against Angels and Demons." Father said.

"What was she like?" I asked. "Your mother was beautiful. She was kind and very generous to others. She always put others in front of herself. She even had the power to grant people's wishes. Including humans. Amira was a very sweet woman." He said. 

"Amira?" I repeated, lifting my head slightly off my brother's chest. "That was Mom's name." Azazel said. I rested my head back on Azazel's chest. "Do you have a picture of her?" I asked. "Yes." Father held out his hand and a picture appeared in it.

"This is what your mother looked like before she passed away." Father said as the picture floated towards me. I got off my brother's chest and sat up as I grabbed the picture. I looked at my mother's face with a smile.

"She looks beautiful

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"She looks beautiful." I said, smiling gently. "If only she had seen what a beautiful demon you've become." Azazel said, petting my head. "I'm sure she's watching right now." Father said with a soft smile. I gazed down at the picture. "I love you, Mom." I whispered.  

Sakura's POV

I just ended my match with Ino. It sucks that I didn't win, but I'm glad I was able to push myself til the end. I wanted to tell Misaki about my match. I looked down at the necklace she gave me, then remembered the key she gave me.

I took it out of my pocket and examined it. She said I could use this on any door if I wanted to see her. Hmm...

I looked at Naruto and Kakashi-sensei, then back at the key. Okay, I'll go see for a few minutes, then come back here. "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom." I informed Naruto and Kakashi-sensei.

I went down the hall and came across the bathroom door. I know it wasn't locked, but I still had to use the key in order to see Misaki. I used the key on the door, then opened it. I gasped when the doorway was glowing red and black.

I gulped and took a step inside. When I did, I was literally floating in the middle of nowhere. I screamed when I started falling. I screamed until I landed on something soft. A couch? Two more couches floated by me as I sat up.

I saw Misaki in her angel form as some girl with dog ears was lying her head in Misaki's lap. Misaki looked up and spotted me. "Cerberus, I'm going to my room to rest." She said as she laid the girl's head on the couch.

She flew up to me and sat beside me. "You finally came." Misaki said. "I wanted to check on you. How are you doing?" I asked her. "Good. Look, I got my wing reattached." Misaki said, showing me her wing.

"That's great, Misaki." I said, smiling. "What happened to you? Did someone beat you up?" Misaki said with a frown. "Well, kind of. But it's part of a match I had." I explained. "I see. Are you doing any better?" She asked.

"Yeah, thanks for asking." I said. "Come on. We'll go to my room." Misaki grabbed my hand and flew towards her room. "I'm sorry it's a bit dark in here. But I have to hide you from my brother. He hates humans." She informed.

I nodded my head. "I missed you, you know. Even though it's been a few days." Misaki said. I gasped when she was quickly in front of me. How was she able to move so quickly? "I like your hair cut short. It really suits you." Misaki commented before pushing me down on her bed.

I quickly stopped her before she could do anything. "Misaki, what do you do for fun here?" I asked her. "Well, I look at the Human Realm and I guess grant people's wishes." Misaki said, sitting up. 

"You can do that?" I sat up.

"Yeah. My brother told me that my mother used to grant everyone's wishes. No matter what the wish was, my mother was able to make it come true."

"That's amazing."

Misaki smiled at me before creating a mirror. "What's that?" I asked her. "It's a mirror to the Human Realm." She answered. "So, you can go through that mirror and enter Earth?" I asked. "No, that's not how it works. I can only watch the Human Realm." Misaki said as she held an emotionless face and kept her eyes were glued to the mirror.

She looked at the mirror as she saw a little girl crying while holding an empty ice cream cone. Misaki narrowed her eyes before walking back over to me. "Let's go. We're going to the Human Realm." Misaki said as she grabbed my wrist.

Misaki's POV

I took Sakura to the transporter and the two of us went to the Human Realm. Once we were in the Human Realm, we were standing behind the Hokage House. "Misaki, what are you-?" Sakura started, but I shushed her.

I took her hand and headed towards the crying child. I approached the crying girl and kneeled down to her height. The girl opened her eyes, stopped crying, and sniffed. I stared at her emotionlessly, then petted her head.

I waved my hand and made an ice cream cone appear in it. I handed the girl the ice cream cone, in which she smiled and took it. I petted her head again, then stood up. "Thank you, lady!" The girl said before running over to her mother with her new ice cream cone. 

"How did you do that? No, why did you do that?" Sakura asked me.

"Cerberus told me that I could create anything, using my powers. And Azazel told me that my mother had the power to grant anyone's wish. So, I guess that's what I'm doing; I'm following in my mother's footsteps." I explained in an emotionless tone.

"So, is that what you're going to be doing for a while?" Sakura asked. "It's what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. It's my duty. I understand that now." I answered. I took a few steps away from her.

"Goodbye, Sakura." When I said that, I made lightning crash down on me, sending me back to Hell. If it's what my mother did in the past, then I shall carry out her duty as well. I shall grant everyone's wishes and put others in front of my self.

It is my destiny. Too bad it won't last long.

Sakura's POV

I stared at the spot Misaki recently stood. Why did she sound so sad when she said goodbye? She sounded like she wasn't going to come back. She is going to come back, right? Misaki has to. She promised everyone that she would come back.

But why did she sound sad? Is Misaki coming back?

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