{Mute} Chapt. 6

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Kakashi's POV (Six years later)

I yawned as I sat up from my bed. Another normal day. I heard a crash near the kitchen, startling me a little. Well, almost normal. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to see Alice hovering over a broken plate. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She looked at me then at the broken plate, then at me again. Her face read; "I'm sorry".

"It was an accident. You didn't mean it." I said to her. Alice stared at me before carefully picking up the broken pieces of the plate. "Six years and she still won't talk. That must be a new record." I muttered to myself.

But I was able to communicate with her through sign language. I realized she was already dressed. "When did you get dressed?" I asked her. A giggled escaped her throat as she pointed at the clock. "That's a new one. I've never heard you laugh before." I said to her.

I wonder when she started to laugh. I looked at the clock. Oh, man. I'm going to make Alice late for the academy... again. "Come on, Alice. You're already late." I said to her. She followed me out the door and we walked to the academy. Alice kicked a rock in front of her as she walked.

"Alice, have you been studying? Today is the final exam," I reminded her. She nodded her head with a smile. "Good girl." I said as I petted her head. She smiled at me. I looked at her as we walked to the academy. When we got there, I waved goodbye to Alice.

She waved back and went inside the academy.

3rd Person POV

Alice entered her homeroom and took her seat next to Kiba. Iruka walked in and began to tell everyone that today was the day when everyone does the Clone Jutsu in order to pass and become a ninja. Alice had nothing to worry about since she's been practicing with Kakashi.

Soon, Mizuki and another jonin named Kisuke walked in and looked at the numbed of students. No one knew that Kisuke was a spy who worked for Danzo. He was told there was another survivor of the Uchiha Clan other than Sasuke.

His mission was to finish the job. That way, there was only one survivor of the Uchiha Clan. When Kisuke's eyes landed on Alice, his eyes widened. "So she is alive after all." He said with a frown. Kisuke smirked, deciding to play a small act.

"Naomi!" He said. The students look at him, including Iruka. "Who's Naomi, Kisuke?" He asked. "There! That girl! That's Naomi! She's my daughter!" He lied. Iruka looked at Alice. 'Is she really his daughter?' Iruka thought.

In order for this situation to be resolved, Iruka called in Kakashi. "You're saying that... Alice is your actual daughter?" Kaksahi asked. "Yes. Her mother was killed as I was on a late night mission. I thought she was dead. But thank goodness you found her, Kakashi." Kisuke said.

Kakashi looked at Alice as she stared off into space, not really paying attention to their conversation. "She doesn't seem to recognize you." Kakashi noticed. "As you said before, she has no memory of herself or her people. Hopefully, she'll remember me if I take her back home and show her a few pictures of her and her mother." Kisuke lied as he hid his smirk.

"I see," Kakashi looked at Alice, a little heartbroken. He remember having so much fun with her. He didn't want to leave her. But there was nothing he could do. "I'm glad Alice will be with her family again." Kakashi said. He walked past Alice with his hands in his pockets.

"You're not going to say goodbye to Alice?" Iruka asked him. He looked at Alice before she looked at him when she noticed he looked at her. "No, that's okay." Kakashi said, beginning to walk away again. When Alice saw him leaving, she quickly followed after him.

But Kisuke grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from going anywhere. Alice tried moving again but she was restrained. She whimpered and reached out for Kakashi as he walked away. "Take care, Alice." He said, not turning around to face her.

"Kakashi..." Iruka said. He couldn't believe he wasn't going to face her. Alice struggled against Kisuke's grip, trying to get to Kakashi. "Kakashi!" Alice yelled. Iruka froze as did Kakashi when they heard that. That was the first time Alice had spoken. (This kind of reminds me of Elfen Lied right now. LOL) 

It was the first time she's said anything. "Kakashi! Kakashi!" Alice called after him as tears threatened to escape her eyes. "Don't leave me, Kakashi! Come back!" Alice said, her voice desperate as she reached out for him.

Kakashi lowered his head before walking out of the academy. "KAKASHI!!!" Alice screamed, tears leaving her eyes. "Naomi, let's go home." Kisuke smirked, walking her to the ANBU Root. The moment they got there, Alice was tied down.

Chains held her wrists as she was on her knees, staring up at Kisuke. "Nice work, Kisuke," Danzo said as he stared at Alice. She stared at the man in fear, not wanting to be here. "To think she'd survive. It makes me wonder how she did it. You're going to tell us everything. Right, Naomi?" Danzo said, staring at her.

Alice didn't know what they were talking about. After all, she did have amnesia. She desperately yanked on the chains. "Itachi, you liar." Danzo muttered. "I... ta... chi..?" Alice said, sounding out the name. She's never heard of that name before.

"Lord Danzo, she has to die. It's now or never." Kisuke said. Danzo nodded, understanding the situation. The plan was to have one survivor of the Uchiha Clan. But due to the weird coincidence of having a second survivor, Danzo's plans were on hiatus.

Danzo took out his sword, making Alice's eyes  widened in fear. "Kakashi.." She whimpered. "Time to join your parents." Danzo said as he raised the sword. Alice panicked and screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping for someone to hear her.

A white light surrounded her as she screamed, causing to the two jonin to take a step back. "What the hell?" Kisuke said. "What kind of jutsu is this?" Danzo asked. Alice continued to scream as the white light got bigger.  

The light was too bright, making the ninjas cover their eyes. The white light covered everything, unable to see anything. Soon after, the light dispersed. There, stood Alice as her head was lowered so her white bangs covered her eyes.

The chains were somehow off her wrists, the chains scattered around her. She looked at the destruction around her then saw Danzo and Kisuke's bodies on the ground. Fortunately, they were still breathing. Alice took a step back in fear, not knowing what just happened.

She ran off, back to Kakashi's house. Once she reached the house, she burst through the door and found him on the couch. Kakashi had a book in his lap, one of his favorite series. But to a surprise, he wasn't reading it. "Kakashi!" She cried out before jumping on him. 

Kakashi grunted slightly then looked down at the white haired girl as she sobbed in his chest. "Alice? What are you doing here? Why aren't you with your father?" He said. She stared up at him, tears streaming down her face as it read, "Don't leave me."

Kakashi hugged her tightly as she hid her face in his chest again. He smiled down at her as he gently stroked her hair softly. "I won't leave you." He said softly. Alice held out her pinkie, asking if that was a promise. "Promise." Kakashi said, entwining his pinkie with hers.

Don't be a silent reader. Please tell me what you think. Love you all if you're reading this!   

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