{Mute} Chapt. 11

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Kakashi's POV

I watched over Alice as she picked out flowers. I couldn't stop thinking about Alice's transformation. There has to be a reason why, how, she was able to do that. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Sasuke scream.

I looked towards Alice and saw that she had Sasuke in a possessive hold; Sasuke was lying on the ground while Alice was sitting on Sasuke's back with her arms were held against his throat. I raised a brow at them. "What just happened?" I asked them.

"I was just wondering what Alice was doing and she attacked me." Sasuke explained. "Ow!" Alice's grip became more firm as she tightened her arms on Sasuke's neck. "Alice, let him go before you choke him to death." I said.

Alice did as I said and released Sasuke, but stayed sitting on his back. "Alice, come over here for a second." I said. She smiled and skipped over to me. "Alice, I know you may not like this idea, but how about you start... speaking. You know, like, using words." I said.

Alice blinked her eyes before shaking her head, no. "Why not? Are you afraid something will happen if you talk?" I asked. Alice looked at the ground with a frown as I scratched the back of my head, trying to think of something.

"Okay, let's see. Alice, if you're afraid to talk, then why did you call to me the day your father came to take you back?" I asked. "He was not my father." Alice frowned while using her sign language. "Huh? He wasn't? Then, who was he?" I asked.

Alice shrugged her shoulders. "Alice, remember when you fought Zabuza? That big guy with the huge sword? You remember him?" I asked her. Alice gave a closed eye smile before nodding her head. "That form you took when you were fighting him. Could you show me?" I requested.

Alice, once again, nodded her head. She took a step back and, like last time, a black and blue flame surrounded her. When it faded, Alice was in her other form. She looked like a demon. But what concerned me was that Alice only had one wing.

What happened to other one? Maybe I should ask her. "Alice, do you remember anything about your past? Anything at all?" I asked her. Alice stared at me with a frown, as if she didn't like it when I asked her that question.

Something tells me she has a whole different personality when it comes to this form. Not only that, but Alice was taller than me in this form!

Alice's POV

I stared down at Kakashi while a thought came into my head. No, it looked more like an image than a thought. I could see a man with a kind smile and long black hair, along with onyx eyes. Do I know this man? "Naomi...."

Why does he call me Naomi? He and Sasuke have called me that. Why? No, why am I seeing something like this? What does it mean? I don't understand.

Sasuke's POV

"Kakashi-sensei," I walked over to him as I saw Naomi, or Alice, was in her demonic-looking form. "What's wrong with Naomi?" I asked. "I have no idea. I asked her to transform into... "this", and she just froze up. She's been staring off into space for five minutes." He explained.

I looked at Naomi as she stood still. "Naomi, can you hear me?" I asked. She didn't respond as she just stood there. I couldn't believe Naomi was alive from the massacre. I thought she was dead.


I was walking home from the academy to tell my parents, Itachi, and Naomi that I got good grades today. Naomi couldn't come today because she was sick. I was about to enter my house until I heard Father yelling, "Look at what you did!"

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