{Mute} Chapt. 14

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Kakashi's POV

"Kakashi-sensei? Are you going to be all right with Alice gone?" Sakura asked. "Yeah. I'll be fine." I lied. "I miss her already." Naruto said, anime crying. "Hn. She'll be fine. She's back where she belongs." Sasuke said casually.

'Playing it cool, huh?' I thought as I looked at Sasuke. I really hope Alice is okay where she is.

Alice/Misaki's POV

"Welcome home, Misaki." A girl with dog ears on her head was by the entrance to greet me. "My name is Cerberus and I'll be your playmate. Nice to meet you." She greeted. I stared at her emotionlessly.

"If you don't understand, I'll explain to you about the playmate thing. I'm here for whenever you get bored or if you just need some company." Cerberus said. I nodded, saying I understood. "Ne, Azazel. How come she's so quiet?" She asked my brother.

"She just needs time adjusting. But, Misaki. You didn't have to go back to your angel form just to come here." Azazel explained. I was back in the form I was usually in (human form) because I just feel more comfortable in it.

This room is what makes me uneasy. Everything is a big foggy and the atmosphere was purple and dark blue. The room itself looked a bit gloomy; nothing like I expected, yet darker.

"Father would want to have a word with you later. For now, rest, Misaki." Azazel placed his hand on my shoulder before flying to his room.

I took a seat on the couch and yawned. "What's the matter, Misaki? Are you feeling sick?" Cerberus asked. I didn't answer as I stared at my lap. "You know you can make anything you want with your powers, right?" Cerberus informed.

I can do that? I raised my hand out in front of me and made a clone appear. It was a clone of Sakura. I miss her. I wish she was here right now. I made the clone disappear, then sighed. "Are you okay, Misaki?" Cerberus asked.

I shrugged before pointing at the dog puppets on her hands. "Hmm? These? They're my friends. They're always here to make me happy. That's why I'm always smiling," I looked back down at my lap. "And they also have a special technique to make other people happy, too." Cerberus added.

I looked at her with a raised brow. "Tickle Attack!" Cerberus tickled me, using her dog puppets. I laughed and tried moving away from her, but she climbed on top of me so I wouldn't get away. "No one can escape the Tickle Attack!" Cerberus said as she continued to tickle me mercilessly.

I kept laughing to the point tears were about to leave my eyes. Finally, Cerberus ceased her attack, letting me breathe. I panted slightly as I stared up at her. "You have a cute laugh, Misaki." Cerberus commented.

She took off one her dog puppets and used her thumb to wipe away a stray tear that rolled down my cheek from the constant laughing. I raised my hand up to her dog ear and gently stroked it. "Aw, you're so sweet, Misaki!" She barked with happiness.

I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. "Oh, don't be sad, Misaki. You'll get used to it here." Cerberus assured me. I shrugged my shoulders lazily. "I know what'll cheer you up." Cerberus said before snapping her fingers. In my lap, appeared an ice cream sundae.

I looked at the bowl of sundae, then looked at Cerberus. "Try it. I hear the human world is provided with all kinds of sweets." She explained. Well, I guess I do like sweets. Ino and Sakura tasted sweet when I tasted them.

I shook my head, saying I didn't want it, then placed the sundae next to me. I motioned Cerberus to come closer towards me. "Is something wrong, Misaki?" She asked. I grabbed her shoulders and kissed her. After a few seconds, I pulled away with a small frown.

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