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One week later.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I sit in the first row, right in front of the burial. Florida's air isn't usually like this, but it's a cold, dull December day, and I shiver lightly. Faces with tear streaks running across them pass my line of sight, but I ignore them all. My black dress flows to my feet, sweeping at the floor every time I move. It reminds me of how hard it is to grasp the idea that my brother is gone.

I ignore all the words, the speeches and the reception surrounding us. I stare straight at the cloth-covered body in the front of the room. It gives me a sense of reality; that we're all going to die, but many are dying too early because of me.

Today, I will not shed one tear. That's what I did on the day it all happened; I cried into Will's arms, forgetting that he, too, was suffering a loss. I didn't comfort him nor did I ask if he was ok. It was a low move.

Today, I will (try, and probably not succeed to) let go of Cole. I know it's hard, but it has to be done.

Today, I will honor his doings in life. I will show everyone how great of a man he was, how much better than me he could be at times. He really was.

And most importantly, today, I have to have a full talk with myself. I need to sort my crap straight; what I'm going to do about this, about Damon, about my eating and sleep problems, etcetera. It's becoming too much.

I hear a person speak, " Anyone want to say a few words?" I instantly wave my hand in the air, getting up in the process. I make my way to the front, standing behind the microphone.

I take a deep breath before starting, before starting.

" Um... Well, we all know why we're here today." I say awkwardly, my voice raspy from the lack of its use. " Cole meant a lot to the world. He was a son, a brother, a husband, and a father... No words can describe how horrible it is for us, for me, right now.

" Ok, so I'm going to say something, it's going to come off in a cheesy way, but here it goes." Something escapes my mouth, something in between a laugh and a sob, and I continue. " Cole... I love everything you do, when you'd accuse me of being dumb for the stupid things I do, when you'd help me through the tough times even though they were your tough times, too, when you would laugh at the craziest, silliest things I'd say... I loved everything you did. I--" I cut my rant off when I feel tears coming on. I will not cry. I turn my head away, wiping my unshed tears away and stopping my contorted face from forcing me to cry.

I turn back. " People tell me, all the time, that I'm weak. But, you know what? Strength doesn't come from having a whole, complete life with people who love you. I don't have that." I wipe my eyes. I feel my throat start to close up, and my voice starts to fade. I know you can hear me up there, Cole.... Am I making you proud? " It comes from the opposite, actually. I'm broken, a girl without a family, and well, as people always say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I got off the stage, walking back to my seat, to see that Will had gotten teary-eyed from my little speech. I feel horrible.

I open my arms wide, and he immediately collapses into them, sobbing his heart out.

" I'm sorry. If I hadn't stayed out that day when the Sirens went off, Cole wouldn't have followed me, and he wouldn't be--"

Will pilled away with a scowl. " Don't you dare be blaming this on yourself!" I'm stunned into silence, but he takes his words back. " I'm sorry. But it's not your fault." He tucks a loose strand that escaped from my loose ponytail behind my ear, and then kisses my forehead.

" I love you."

After it was all over, me and Will sat at the grave as other's grieved away from us. We each spoke our true words to him, ending up in an embrace after getting emotional, and Will left me hesitantly when I told him I needed a minute.

" Hey, big brother." I laugh lightly at how crazy I must sound. " You're up there right now... in a better place. But I love you. Always, I will always love you. You forever have a place in my heart. I smiled through my unshed tears as I kissed my hand and placed it to where his name was engraved in the stone.

Cole Prior.

I walked back over to where Zack, Will and the others were, and before I leave to the car, I look up at the small rays of sun peeking through the dark clouds and smile.

Today was not a day that I will ever forget. It was full of grief and tears, but it was also the day that I realized something. Those who are gone... they aren't gone until those who remember them forever are. Sacrifices are made for reasons, and I need to remember:

Just like the sun peeking through those clouds, this day awakened something in me... It's the start of a new realization; we're Supernaturals.

A few months ago, that was something impossible, right?

Now You See Me... Now You Don't...  ✔(Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt