Chapter 24| Donald Trump?

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Ok, I'm done with my fan girl moment...

Any who, I'll get onto the chapter!


~Kayla's P.O.V.~

Peaceful sleep is something I haven't had in a really long time, because it was always interrupted by terrible dreams.

But of course, it has to be interrupted.

" Kayla?"

" Hmmm...?"


I shot out of bed, panicked, to see Isla laughing her head off. I glared at her. Why does the Universe hate me?

" Would you stop doing that?!" I shout as loud as I can.

She wipes away her tears. " Nope." I groan. " You'll have to get used to it."

She's about to walk out, then stops, " Oh, and come have breakfast with us in the Cafeteria. Its damn good food... And I wanted to talk to you." Her face fell at the last part, and I knew what she was referring to.

She turned and left, and my thoughts consumed me... wait... FOOD! I haven't eaten in over a week; they've been injecting me with vitamin mineral stuff through the transparent tubey thingies... Forgive my lack of scientific language. A thought occurs to me. Thank you Universe.

I close the door and get dressed in trainers and shorts, as well as a tank top. Yay, sports! Note the sarcasm dripping from my lips.

I run down the halls in the direction everyone is going in, and find myself in the middle of a bustling Cafeteria minutes later. I'm about to look around for Isla when a voice calls my name, and I turn to see Isla sitting on a table with Cole, Will, Zack, Caleb and... Melissa? Didn't know she was in this group. Ok...

She smiled as I sat down, and I was happy to see that Cole was successfully having a conversation with Isla, which is a relief since I could feel he was the most affected by yesterday's situation with the text messages.

But now that I think of it, it could all be a prank or a stupid person who thinks he can pull it off. I mean, who says Oh, I killed your mom, that's it, bye! It makes no sense. So, I'm going to stick with that.

I finally settled on eating pancakes, and they are heavenly! Oh my god, I don't know who the cooks are, but they are now my best friends.

" Hey, you guys want to come over to my brother's room, guys? I was heading there, thought he could use some company." Melissa talks through all the chatting, and everyone nods or mumbles an agreement.

So now, we're heading to this brother of Melissa who I didn't even know existed. Wait... aren't we supposed to be in training?

" Don't we have things to get to?" I whispered to Cole.

He chuckled. " It's a free day, sis. "


In a couple of minutes, I found myself in front of a door that Melissa is knocking on. Someone opens the door and returns inside. I only catch a glimpse of light brown hair.

Everyone files in, talking, and I'm the last one in. I'm looking around when my eyes lock with a pair of familiar grey ones. I study this boy's features, and when I realize whom I'm staring at.

The boy from the test... The one who injured me.

Great. Just great. What's next, Caleb's long lost brother turns out to be Donald Trump?

We're staring at each other in shock, and I realized everyone's stopped talking.

And out of nowhere, this boy lunges at me and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight.

" I am... so so sorry." He pulls away and I smile. Maybe I'll forgive him. He can't be that bad.

He smiles back and asks, " What's your name, sugar?"

I give him a weird look before replying, " Kayla Prior."

" Evan Thomson."

We shake hand when he asks a second question, " Your Cole's and Will's sister?" I nod. He leans forward and whispers, " It's a shocker; you're way prettier than them." And he pulls back.

I blush a deep scarlet and look away, but I'm glad no one noticed because Will shouts, " Hey, I heard that!"

They all laugh and Melissa steps forward, but I speak first. " So, brother and sister?"

Melissa chuckles. " Actually, we're twins. But as you can see, we're un-identical." Whoa, I've always wanted a twin.


~Cole's P.O.V.~

The channels on this TV are... so boring! I can see nothing interesting.

We're all on the floor, trying to find something to watch, when I come across a news channel with a headline reading " BRUTAL MURDER IN ABANDONED HOUSE"

I stop there, and lean closer, turning the volume up.

" ...Authorities say the woman was found dead, but no signs of bloodshed were seen. The corpse was taken to a lab to be investigated. The victim is yet to be identified." A video of the events comes up, and a dead woman with discolored, pale skin appears in a white lab. " Investigators think the woman was forced to consume Bleach, and of all the brutal ways to kill a human... this is insane."

Then there's a close up of the woman's face, and I freeze up. I hear Kayla's breath hitch in her throat, and Will and I make eye contact.

A single tear slips out of my eye.

That's my mother.

That's when Melissa decides to come in. " Do any of you people know who this is?"

Kayla and Zack make a tense eye contact. He must have seen the resemblance. She struggles to find words, and then finally settles with a simple shake of the head. All of us are quiet. could someone do something so...?

I'm about to excuse myself from the room when Caleb speaks up. " You guys sure?"

Yes, Caleb, yes.

" I think I might know her."

" Yeah, me too."

" You think--?"

And that's when I blow up.


Everyone freezes, and Kayla bursts into tears. They all start to make their way towards us, but I grab Kayla's hand and walk out of the room. Will follows we exchange fearful and sad looks.

She's our mother.

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