Chapter 10| I Am So Hungry

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HEYYYYY! This chapter is kind of an explanation to the last one. PLEASE read this! And remember:




Thanks, LynnBeiphong16.


~Zack's P.O.V.~

I like her.

Don't tell me I'm being too considerate to looks, even though she has a lot of those, but no there's a whole load of reasons.

Why, you ask? Well, come stand in my place, and you'll understand. She has traits no other girl I've met has. She's not that typical girl. I mean, there's no... open dressing, no being completely stuck up, no annoying snobbish comments. She's kind and understanding, everything about her is perfect. And god, even her voice is amazing.

And don't even get me started on her beauty. She's drop dead gorgeous, no, actually, even more than that, but doesn't even know it, which I find so cute. I mean, when I finally had the chance to look at her for more than 2 seconds, I actually started feeling dizzy. Her brown hair falls down her back in loose waves, with every feature on her face looking perfect. Her eyes, oh, and her eyes are that amazing blue. Really blue. Even though I really want to see her real ones.

" So, do we go downstairs or just stay here?" A sweet, soft voice said, snapping me back to reality.

" Yeah, we should probably head downstairs for dinner..." I replied hurriedly to Kayla, before I could make a mistake. When we got to the top of the staircase and started climbing down, I felt lucky to have this girl, out of all others, as the one I got to come and bring to Supernatural Abilities.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I am so hungry. I literally haven't eaten for one and a half days. When we got to the bottom of the staircase, I sighed with relief at the sight of food. Finally, I'm reunited with my long lost lover! I rushed over to the table and plunked down into the seat closest to the food.

The food was delicious: Beef, mashed potato, cheese fondue, and a load of cookies. I loved it so much that I had three servings... Whoops (the sarcasm, though). After eating we all started to talk. Since it was late, and Lara was asleep, we could talk freely. " So... you're another Supernatural..." Chris said slowly. I nod.

" You got lucky... real lucky..." I heard him whisper to Zack, making him nudge Chris in the ribs while he chuckled.

" So how did you know that Zack would come here with a Supernatural?" I inquired curiously; it was starting to bother me.

" Well, we actually had a heads up; Lara's been tricked into thinking that Zack has to go to 'Early College', and so it's fine that he's away, but every now and then, someone is sent to get a Supernatural. Zack, decided he wanted to go for it this time, and they assigned him to you in Florida, so he was lucky enough to come meet us once and tell us before setting out to find."

I nod, finally understanding.

" So tell us about your family, Kayla." Vanessa asked, changing the subject, and I immediately felt my stomach drop.

" Uh... I have a mom..." I said awkwardly.

Vanessa laughed, " Yes dear, everyone has a mom. Who else?"

I clear my throat. " Uh... ok... my dad..." Vanessa looked at me encouragingly. " We used to go to this small lake every week, but we stopped doing it when..." I broke off. I didn't know it I had the emotional strength to say it out loud, but I did, " When my dad died." I said blankly, staring aimlessly at Zack's shocked face for a few seconds before looking down on my plate and fiddling with the last piece of beef in it, just to keep them from realizing I was crying silently. I'm bad at making myself seem emotionless.

They shuffled in their seats uncomfortably. Then suddenly, I felt fingers slowly locking with mine under the table.

I looked up to see Zack smiling at me weakly. " I-I need to go..." I said quickly, and pulled my hand away from Zack's. I got up quickly and started to walk away, not looking back because I knew that seeing the heart broken look on Zack's face would make it all worse.

~Zack's P.O.V.~

As I watched Kayla's figure running away, my heart felt broken, and not because she let go just to leave. It was because I felt bad for her. For a second I thought I should just leave her to go upstairs alone, but I found myself getting up quickly and running upstairs.

I found her in the room I showed her, she was curled up on the couch, her face in her hands, and she sitting there with a single tear running down her cheek. When she saw me, though, she quickly wiped it away.

I walked over and sat next to her on the couch, and pulled her hands away from her face. She stared at me with those eyes of hers, and for a second I got lost in them. " Hey, hey... are you ok?" I asked.

" Yeah, fine..." She said, but I knew she was lying.

" Just..." she continued, " It was recent so I still... have some memories lingering in my brain..." She said. I pulled her into my arms and she buried her face into my chest, still crying. I wiped the tears from her face and held her tighter.

I was actually so affected by the situation that my I felt a few tears rolling down my face. Two people in one room, crying, yet both trying to comfort each other. Perfect.

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