Chapter 49| Bye-Bye, Teddy Bear

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~Kayla's P.O.V.~

" He seems to be getting much better. Darien just called up; says he's looking great. He can move a bit, too, so it seems like he's on the good side. Should be out one month tops, so I think this is going well."

" I'm glad, teddy bear." Putting my head on Isla's shoulder, who was sitting next to me along with Melissa and Kristina, who was starting to warm up. I told them everything and we decided to watch a movie. Of course the boys wanted to join, so I literally had to shoo them away.

" I'll see you soon Kay, bye."

I frown and mumble, " Bye-bye, teddy bear." before ending the call and huffing.

" What's up?" Isla moves her eyes away from the screen and looks at me. I honestly adore the way her accent twists her words. Melissa turns the TV off, much to Kristina's disappointment, and turns her attention to us.

" It's all fine and... they think he could be getting better."

Isla smiles. " Great."

" I don't know it's just--" I have a sudden familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, a sudden burn, and I know what's about to happen. Everyone here is in danger.

" Get out." I say flatly, fidgeting as my skull starts to go numb and a searing pain comes in slowly, like a burning hot drill fighting it's way into my brain.

" What?" Kristina looks confused.

" Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth.

" Why? A-are you ok?" Isla looks concerned, eyeing me.

" Leave. Leave, leave, leave!" I sang as I pushed Isla and Kristina out.

" But--"

" Melissa, leave."

" I'm not going."

" If you know what's good for you, you'd leave."

Something in her eyes clicks, and her eyes widen as realization dawns upon her.

" Crap." She slams the door, looking at me.

" Kayla, I need you to calm down. Breathe." Her voice quivers in fear.

" Melissa, I can't. It hurts so badly. Please, please make it stop." I sob, my hands are both inches from my head, shaking as I felt as tough something was bashing my head in.

" Just, just..." She looks around, trying to find a solution.

The door opens, and in comes the last person I want to see.


" I'll deal with this." He quickly gets Melissa out of the room, walking up to me.

" Damon, please--" I plead, but I'm cut off when I feel a blow to my face. What the hell?

I look at Damon to see a scowl on his face.

" You worthless brat." He kicks me in the ribs, and I gasp, feeling the air leaving me as I fall to the floor.

" Damon--"

He punches me right in the jaw, continuing his assault as he kicks my sides at full force, and I feel numb.

He grabs me by the hair, throwing me onto the bed and giving me a cold look before walking out the door.

I feel nothing but pain everywhere. More physically than emotionally, but it's still there. I wince as I try to stand up, resulting in me falling back onto the bed. It hurts too much.

That's when realization dawns upon me.

Damon just...

This is something I've only ever read about, and it sounded awful, kind of like how I feel now. I freeze when I come to sense with what just happened. I'm shocked yet relieved that it's over.

Is this how abuse feels like?


Oh my god.

I'm so sorry, my mind just... wandered!

But it's good tho...



Now You See Me... Now You Don't...  ✔(Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon