Chapter 30| Hyperactivity

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I wake up from my dreamless sleep, and instantly look at the clock.

6:47 AM

That's only two hours of sleep for me. But I feel really energetic...

Get it... because... yeah, it was a stupid joke.

If I could make good jokes, I'd probably have way more self-confidence. You need to work on that, Kayla.

And now I'm talking to myself.

Why am I so freaking hyperactive?

I don't know, maybe you're going crazy, Kayla.

What did I say about talking to yourself, Kayla?


Ok, I'm officially done with life.

I look around to see Isla looking as if she was dead, sleeping soundlessly. And that's when I notice. I'm jumpy, and she's really deeply sleeping.

I drained her energy.

I'll just... give it back... Who am I kidding, I feel high on sugar, and nowhere near concentrated... You're too energetic, Kayla...


I slowly imagine Isla's energy returning to her, and my shoulders suddenly slump. I stumble, feeling my energy being drained, but quickly shake it off, going to change.

When I come out, Isla isn't there anymore.

She must have left.

For now, I'm staying away from everyone. I can't risk any more incidents. I feel evil and dark. Putting on a baggy hoodie, I reach out to open the door when I realize me that it's so big, I look like I have no shorts on.

Oh well, couldn't care less.

I walk down the corridor, making sure my face is hidden, and look at my watch. Ten more minutes left for class. Good, there shouldn't be too many people in the hallways.

I walk quicker, realizing I'm short on time, when I bump into someone and stumble. I look up to see the usual group: Zack, Caleb, Cole, Isla, and the others. But Zack is stumbling like me, his blonde mop of hair flopping in front of his face. I quickly avert my eyes, because he'd recognize me.

" Sorry." I mumble, and back away, but bump into someone else. I look up to see a tall boy glaring at me, and he grabs me by the shoulders.

" You think you can just bump into me, man?" He says, and shoves me hard. He thinks I'm a guy. Boy is he wrong.

My mental laughing is interrupted when I collide with something cold. I gasp as my head collides with the hard concrete wall, and my hood flies off. I stumble, and feel a warm liquid run down my neck. Great.

" Yeah, that's— Oh my god... I didn't mean it. I didn't know you were a--" I hear the boy say, and I sneer.

" I don't need your apology. So what if I'm a girl? You were going to hurt me anyways." I hiss, and quickly pull off my hoodie, pressing it to the back of my head to stop the bleeding. I feel lightheaded and drained. Why do these things always happen to me?

My head is pounding, numbing as if it's caving in. Something's happening. It takes a few seconds of thought, but then it hits me.

Oh no.

It's happening. Again.

My eyes widen. No. No. I don't want it to happen again. It hurt so much the first time.

Not again... Please...

I push through the bickering crowd that managed to gather, finding Zack, who was trying to push through the people to see what was happening. I grab his hand, startling him, and pull him away.

I spot an empty room and open the door, and walking in, I feel the terrible migraine get worse.

Zack looked at me with wide eyes as I let go of his hand and looked towards the right side of the room, trying to think of something to distract me, but it only made it worse.

" Wait... you're the one that was being pushed around? I swear I'm going to kill him—What did he do to you?" His voice was a mere whisper by the end of his sentence as he stood there, staring at my blood-covered hair.

I didn't answer. My eyes started to water and I bit my lip to prevent the tears from falling.

" Are you ok, Kayla?"

I averted my eyes from his and clutched my temples as another blow hit me, this time radiating through my whole body, shaking my core. My body shakes as I open my mouth to speak.

" It's happening again."

" What is?"

At this point I couldn't even speak. I scream as I fall to my knees, pushing against my head.

I look up at him with fear, and he returns it with horror.

" Oh no."


That was bad, lol.

- Lena

Now You See Me... Now You Don't...  ✔(Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin