Chapter 32| In All of Our Cuddling Glory

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What's going to happen?

I don't know...

Well, I do, but you'll just have to find out yourself!


~Isla's P.O.V.~

He's going to be scary to talk to.

I don't know why I've always feared him. Maybe it's because I knew that he was much more powerful than me. Maybe it's because he was always so intimidating. Maybe it's because I know he could kill me in the click of a finger, and I wouldn't even have any time to start screaming before I would be on the floor with blood pooling around me.

Why am I thinking like this again?

I walk up to the familiar, still slightly haunting office doors. I'm frantic and the slower I take, the worse Kayla will get. I know he's got a soft spot for her and he can figure out whatever it is it's happening to her, being who he is.

I carefully but quickly knock, and a deep, " Come in." is heard from the other side of the door.

I opened it, and my breath immediately hitched when I made eye contact the deep, mesmerizing magenta pools that were Isaac Lancaster's eyes.

" What do you want?" He said, annoyed.

" Sir, we have a problem."

" Are you going to ask for Wi-Fi again?"

How can someone be so...UGH!

I push my feelings away and keep my face neutral, " Something is happening to an Unknown, Sir. I think it's some sort of Internal Breakdown or something. And it's getting worse. Please she needs your help Sir! I think," my throat starts to close up as tears well up in my eyes at what I'm about to say.

" I think she might be dying."

My little rant gets his attention, and he whips his head up at me, his eyes wide. " An Unknown? Which one?"

" The Energy, Sir. She's new."

" Eye color?"

" Gold, sir."

He visibly freezes up, and looks up at me with murderous eyes.

" Where is she?"

~Caleb's P.O.V.~

If you've ever wondered how being an Artichoke feels like, just know it isn't too nice.

I look around see a pair of intimidating purple eyes, belonging to someone who looked like he wanted to kill the first person he saw.

He ran through the still confused crowd, and Isla trailed behind him, looking as if she was having trouble keeping up. Now everyone knows what's happening but me.

Queue the Artichokes.

~Isaac's P.O.V.~

If anything happens to Kayla, I'll never forgive myself.

I should start to take time off my work hours to stay with her.

Room 375.

I open the door and look inside, and my stomach drops when I see Kayla on the floor, all bloody and struggling to stay awake. I feel paralyzed. I can't move.

" No, no, no, no, stay with me! Come on, stay awake, Kayla!" The Zack guy shouted and he shook his head, holding Kayla's chin up and looking her in the eyes. I can tell her breathing is shallow.

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