Chapter 24: My Answer

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I answered the door.

"Would you like to have a talk?" Mom asked.

I've never been through this kind of stuff, so I didn't think Mom would realize these things...

I allowed my mom to enter the room, and we both sat down on my bed.

"So what's going on?" She asks.

I wasn't sure whether I should talk to her about Justin or not, but I choose to tell her.
"Well... there's this guys..." I began to talk.
She smiled.
"I met him at the park... it was the night I came in late."

"So you were out with him that time." She spoke.
"It wasn't because I wanted to be with him! He just happened to be there and talked to me." I spoke trying to clear any misunderstanding she could've had.

"At first I ignored him because I thought he was gonna be a big jerk. The next day, I met him again. It was at school with Jessica and Kailey. He began to talk to me more often, but I kept ignoring him."
"Why did you ignore him?" Mom asked me.
"Because... I'm not sure. I guess it was because I didn't want to fall in love and find out it was a lie. He was the hottest guy at school, but he was a player too." I answered.
Mom simply nodded and listened.

"On Dad's wedding party, I got upset over his words and ran away. I ended up at the park where I met Justin, and he appeared once again. We talked for a little bit, but I began to be interested in him. We had things in common." I continued to talk.

I told Mom everything, except the time me and Justin had to sleep together one night. I'm not sure how she would take that.

"Do you Love this Justin?" Mom asked.
I was taken aback with the question.
"I... don't know." I answered.

I think I might Love him... but I'm not quite sure. How do I know if I truly Love him?

"Think about it." Mom spoke as she got up.

We said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.

A whole week went by and I didn't see Justin through that week, but I saw him on a Friday after school. He approached me, asking if we could meet at the park in Saturday for an answer. He left as soon as he told me, I didn't even get the chance to answer.

I honestly didn't want to meet him. Specially when I don't even know how I feel about him.

It was Saturday. I did my daily chores and decided to take a walk. It was a beautiful day, and the breeze was nice. It somehow had the sweet sense of home. I couldn't quite enjoy it since my kind was full of Justin.

I think it's best if I don't go... but is that fine?
I somehow feel guilty for not going...
Will he hate me for not going?
No. maybe I should go... and tell him that in not ready for any kind of relationship.

I continued to think to myself in what to do with Justin.

I walked past the park, and I was even walking past the school, but something caught my attention.

Did I see wrong?

I stepped inside one of the buildings in the school. I went upstairs into the abandoned classroom. There I saw him.

He turned around as I spoke.
"Luna? Why are you here?" He asked.
"I was taking a walk and happened to see you. Why are you doing here?"
He looked a little down and turned to look out the window.

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