Chapter 11: Confussion

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"I've always Loved you, Luna." Brian repeats those words over and over again. He was in a dark place and as he repeated himself, he was getting further and further away.

"No! Brian, don't leave me!" I yell as loud as I can, but it doesn't seem to reach him.

Brian disappears in all that darkness.


I suddenly wake up from the terrible dream. I was sweating and breathless. I kept gasping trying to catch my breath, as if I just finished running a marathon.

I turn to look at my alarm and then turn it off.
I stood in bed a little longer so that I can get a hold of myself. Then I finally changed into some random clothes, did my hair, and everything else.

I go downstairs to have breakfast with Mom and Michael.

The rest of the day passed by normally. Kailey and Jessica were talking as always. I dare not to tell them about Brian confessing his feelings for me.

What am I suppose to do? I don't want to stop being friends with Brian, but I also don't want a relationship. But then I also said 'sorry' to Brian and left running. Does that mean I rejected him?.... ugh! Why is this so complicated.

I spaced out during most of my classes, thinking about the confession over and over again.

I was just planing to go home after school, but Jessica and Kailey come up to talk to me.

"Hey, Luna! Is everything Okay?" Jessica asks.
"Yea. Why do you ask?" I respond.
"It's just that... you were spacing out too much. You don't usually do that." Kailey adds in.

Was I that obvious?

"I'm sorry, it's just I've been going through a few things, some of which I'm confused."
"What things?" Kailey asks.
"Oh. Well.... just things."
"Luna! You're hiding something from us?" Jessica claims.
"What?... No..."
"Luna? Are you really hiding something from us?" Kailey puts a puppy face. I can never resist that face.
"...Maybe." I answer.

Jessica puts her arms around us, and suggested for us to go out.
"Let's go Karaoke, and there you can tell us about what's going on."
"Yea." Kailey agreed quite quickly.
"Fine." I also agree.

We all head towards a karaoke place where we can talk privately and have some fun.

"What? Brian?!" Jessica seems surprised after I told her that Brian confessed to me.
"Brian? Your childhood friend?" Kailey also looks surprised.
"Yea." I answer.
"And what did you answer." Jessica asks.
I lowered my head out of embarrassment.
"I said I was sorry and ran away."
"Say what? Why would you do that? That's the worst kind of reply to a confession!" Jessica was yelling at me.
"I hate to say this, but she's right. Luna, you shouldn't have said it that way." Kailey responds as well.
"Well... I've never been confessed to before, and I panic and didn't know what to do."
"Yea. I understand." Jessica spoke and Kailey nodded in agreement.
"But how do you feel?" Kailey asks.
"About what?" I ask.
"About Brian, obviously." Jessica answers.
"Well... I don't know."

That's true. I don't know how I feel toward Brian. I don't hate him, that's for sure. The fact that I don't believe in 'Love' makes things even more complicated and confusing. What if 'Love' truly exist? Then do I 'Love' Brian?

"What do you mean you don't know? Do you Love him?" Kailey asks.
"Well... it's just that..." I hesitate.
"What?" Jessica claims an answer.
"I... don't believe in 'Love'."
"What?!" They both spoke at the same time.
"How is that possible!" Kailey continues.
"There's no way on earth you wouldn't believe in 'Love'!" Jessica follows after Kailey.
"It's just that, after seeing my parents break apart, and seeing how many other couples end up breaking up and loving someone else... it just makes me wonder if it really exist."
"Of course it does." Jessica answers me.

Really? Could I've been wrong this whole time?

"It's just that there are people who claim to know what 'Love' is, but they actually mistake it for simply liking someone. There's people who change as time goes, which also includes their feelings. And not only that! There are so many forms of 'Love'." Jessica said, while sitting in front of me.

So not everyone knows what 'Love' is. And many people mistake it for 'Like'?

"There's 'Love towards family', 'Love towards friends', 'Love towards a special person in your life', and most importantly... 'Love towards your significant other'." Jessica continues.

"So when you think of Brian, which category do you think he would fall into?"

Did this suddenly become some kind of 'Love Lesson'?... hehe

"Brian... is someone really important to me, and I don't want to loose our friendship. He's someone who has been there for me, and supports me. But..."
"But what?" Kailey asks.
"... I just don't know." I reply.
"I think you should just take some time and think over it." Jessica said while standing up.

She grabs 2 microphones, and handed one to me.
"Here. Let's not worry about it now, and just have fun." She smiles.

We began to sing and dance. I had a lot of fun, and I forgot about everything that was worrying me and confusing me for a little bit.

After we had our fun time, I headed back home.

"I'm home!" I yell as usual.
"Luna! You finally came back!" Mom come running towards me.
"I called you so many times, but you didn't answer. I was worried about you!"
"I'm sorry mom, I was with Kailey and Jessica. But why were you worried. Did something happen?"
She fell silent for a few seconds and it made me nervous.
"The thing is... someone came to see you."

Could it have been... Brian? But mom is giving off some weird vibe. I'm not liking this.

I walk towards the living room and to my surprise, Dad and some other man were there.

What's going on?


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