Chapter 2: School

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*beep beep beep*
The alarm goes off.

Ugh... school. I have to get up and prepare for school. I really don't want to go though.

I raise my arm towards the alarm and turn it off. I lay down in place for another minute until I finally opened my eyes. I get up and look into my closet.


I grab my blue t-shirt with some jeans. I put them on and head to the restroom. I pick up my hair,use the toilet, and brush my teeth. I only need like 5 minutes to change and head out. I go down stairs to find my mom in the kitchen. She prepared breakfast.

"Good morning. Breakfast is ready. Sit down and eat."

I walk towards the table and grab a toasted bread.

"I'm done." I head towards the door.
"That's all you're having?" She asks.
"Mhmm" I walk out and head to school.
*mom sighs*

"Wait up!!!" Michael shouts while running towards me. "Why do you always leave without me?"
*chuckle* "So you can have a good morning exercise."
"You're so mean!" He pouts.
"Haha... you know I'm just teasing ya!"
"But why are you always so mean towards Mom?" He looks into my eyes.
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are. You're always arguing."

I don't know what to say. I don't want to tell him about what Mom does. He barely has 10 years. He's too young for this.

"Don't worry about it. It's a grown up thing."
"Don't say that! Every time you say that it get's me mad. It's just not fair!"
"Oh... really?" I let out a small laugh.
"Yea. I want to hurry up and grow bigger, so that I can help you and Mom."

But I don't want you to grow up. You should just stay as you are. Innocent, and pure.

"Well then... I'll be waiting." I smile at him.

I dropped off Michael at his school, and headed to my school.
As I step past the gates, someone calls out to me. She has long brown hair with curls. Her eyes were hazel and big. She was wearing a green tank top with a loose white dressing shirt on top. Her skinny jeans made her figure noticeable. She was a cute, somewhat fashionable girl. Maybe she's not the most popular, but she's my friend.
"Luna! Guess what?!"
"What is it, Kailey?"
"I went to the mall the other day with Jessica, and we met this guy. He said that I looked pretty and that he would like me to work for him as a model. I think this is a great opportunity since I want to be a model, actress, and singer! He gave me his presentation card."
"That's great! But you should check his background just in case he's not who he says he is. I don't want you to fall for some dirty trick."

I've seen girls being ticked into that kind of things and they end up being raped, abused, or trick them into taking nude pictures and post them on some porn website. I don't want that kind of thing to happen to her. She's so innocent and sweet and nice.

"Okay! I'll make sure to do that! Thanks! You're always looking after me, thank you Luna!!!" She hugs me tightly.

"Kailey! I... can't... breath...."
"Oh! Sorry, it's just that I really love you! You're the best friend ever!"

"Love"? I hate hearing that word, but I just can't say that. It would hurt her. I always have to hide these feelings, and pretend like nothing's wrong.

"... Me too." I smile at her.

*school bell*
"Lets go to class before it's late." I start to walk towards the school.
"Yea." She follows.

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