Chapter 6: Who Am I?

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I stood up from the couch and ran upstairs. I close the door, lock it, and lean against it.

"We claimed you to be our daughter... in order to protect you!"....
I remember those words my mother spoke.

I can't believe what I just heard. How is it even possible that it never even crossed my mind. No wonder I'm so different from my 'family'. It was because I wasn't from the family!... No. This has got to be a lie!

"Luna!... Luna, listen to us!" Mom spoke from the other side of the door.
"No! I don't want to hear any of this! You're both lying!"

I refuse to believe this! I can't believe in such a lie!

Deep down, I knew it. I always had the feeling that I just didn't fit in.

"Luna! We're not done talking. You need to listen! Please!" Dad tries to convince me into listening to the end.

My head is spinning. I can't think clearly, and I feel like I'm going to collapse right there and then. My legs feel weak, and my hands are shaking.

If what they're saying... is the the truth, then... who... am I?

"Luna! Please open the door. There's still more that we must tell you." Mom continues to speak.

*Door lock*
I open the door, and the conversation continues in my room.

"We raised you as our child. And we Loved you very dearly. When you turned 3 years old, I noticed something silver on you hair. At first I thought it was some kind of paper or trash that got on you... but, it turned out to be your own hair. You were growing silver hair." Mom continued.
"I thought your whole hair was going to be silver and that we would have to dye it in order for it to look normal, but it didn't. It looked more like silver highlights." Dad adds to the story.

So it was natural? I was told it was for some weird disease that wasn't harmful, but somehow changed my color hair. I must've been an idiot for falling for such lies. People judged my hair, so I started to dye it before I started high school.

"One day, your Father and I decided to check out what that sphere was. The sphere your mother left behind." Mom spoke.
"We had no idea of what it was, or how it worked. But I accidentally twisted it, and a red light turned on and off. As if it were some kind of warning. I panicked, so I twisted it back to its original place and the light stopped." Dad continued speaking.

What are they saying? This doesn't make any sense!

Mom holds out a box.
"In here is the sphere."

With my slightly shaking hands, I reach out to grab the box.
I open the box and see a crystal looking sphere.
I grab the sphere and twisted it the way Dad had mentioned earlier, but it didn't show a red light.

"I knew it! You guys were lying!" I spoke, but the sphere began to shine very brightly all of a sudden. The light grew bigger and spread through all the room, making me go blind, and I closed my eyes.

My eyes slowly began to open and my room no longer looked like my room. It looked more like the Galaxy. We seemed to be standing on space.

There were so many stars. The view was so beautiful, very magical, that it just couldn't be compared to anything. A woman appeared before my eyes. Even Mom and Dad could see her. I noticed that their eyes were wide open and they were amused.

She was wearing a white long dress that was loose. He hair was light brown with silver highlights, just like my hair. Her eyes were green, and her mouth was thin and pink. Her nose was small, and she had a thin body. Her smile was like an Angel that has just been brought from heaven. She looked similar to me, except for the eyes and the smile.

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