Chapter 8: Abnormalities

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Brian kissed me on the forehead and left me with my blushing face.

I stayed behind for a while. I even skipped one class in order to calm myself down.

I can't believe I'm worked up over a kiss on my forehead! No. it's not just that... it's Brian's confession that made me react like this. Just what should I do?!

I head back into my last class and acted like normal, trying to not bring attention to myself since I felt like my face es slightly red.

After school, Kailey and Jessica caught me, and asked me a bunch of questions on why I skipped class and many other things. I don't know how, but I was able to evade major problems and conflicts.

As I head home, I hear someone calling out to me.
"Luna! Wait up!"
I turn around to see who it was.


"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I heard your birthday was yesterday. I didn't know so I rushed to buy you a birthday present."
He holds out a birthday bag that was light blue with balloons and the script of 'Happy Birthday' written in the middle.
I glance at Justin, then I look at the bag and grab it. I opened it and found a CD. It contained my favorite songs from my favorite artist.
"Happy Birthday, Luna!" He says while I look at the CD.
"Thank you, Justin. But you really didn't have to." I say.
"... but I really can't accept this."
"It just doesn't feel right." I hand back the CD.
"No. keep it. Even if you give it back, I'll probably throw it away. So it's better for you to keep it." He gives me back the CD, and walks away.

"Justin!" I call out to him.
He turn around to look at me.
"Thank you!" I smile and wave 'goodbye'.
He simply smiled and left.

Thank you... Justin...

I stood there for a few more seconds and then I walked back home.

Once I was home, everything seemed normal. My mother prepared dinner, I did my homework, and life continued as usual. It's as if nothing changed. However, deep down I felt odd, and had this feeling that I had to do something about this. I felt uneasy.

The next day, I went to school as usual. But weird things started happening to me.

"...yea. I don't like her either.... what?!... she's such a bi***..."
".... im telling you!... I think he's into me..."
"Bruh... I've been wanting to get this!..."

I constantly hear the voices of everyone talking all at once. Something that has never happened before. I usually just hear from a distance only sometimes. But I hear their voices all the time even if they're pretty far away.

Ugh. I'm getting a headache.

While in class, I'm also able to zoom in and adjust my eyes. It's crazy cuz I've never been able to do such a thing. Since I'm usually sitting in the back sit, I have trouble reading the board, but this time I was looking at the board as if I were standing right in front of it.

Lunch was about to start, but I could clearly smell the food during class. I could tell it was going to be Pizza. My stomach kept growling just because I could clearly smell the food, even if my class was away from the cafeteria.

I don't think I can live a normal life like this.

After school, I quickly head back home. I explained to Mom about everything that was happening to me during school.

"Something like this has never happened before." I say while eating an apple, sitting on the table.
"I think it's something normal for you. Maybe it's because you're hitting puberty so your senses are growing." Mom spoke to me while preparing dinner.
"Maybe you're right." I say.

I finish eating my apple and go upstairs.

I wonder how much more will my senses develop. Will I be able to read minds? No. I don't think I'll be able to do that.

I walk towards the dressing table, where all of my jewelry and precious items are at. I sit down and grab the crystal sphere.
I stare at the sphere for a few seconds, until I finally decide to twist it.

The sphere shined brightly, blinding me, and making my eyes close by themselves.

As I open my eyes, my room became a galaxy once again. I listen to my mom speak over and over again.

What am I suppose to do? I wish she could've left a bigger message. Tell me more about who I am, who she is, the place we're from. I want to know more about everything.

"Luna! Come down for dinner!" Mom yells from downstairs.
"Coming!" I respond.

I head downstairs, and have dinner with Mom and Michael. After dinner, I head back into my room to do some homework.

After I finished my homework I went to sleep.


Hey guys! Please have patience with me! In truly trying my best!

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT your thoughts! It helps me a lot! ^-^)/

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